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Recenziók (3 554)


Bolondos história (1964) 

angol The smallness of man, the changing of coats (even literal ones), the hard fate of "ordinary" people who will always pay for what those above them do. These are just a few of the themes of The Jester's Tale, a film in which Karel Zeman didn't particularly keep his proverbial imagination in check (no, there really weren't dinosaurs or submarines in the Thirty Years' War), but he also concentrated all the more on everything else. The special effects are there, and one cannot help but marvel at their 45-year-old inventiveness. Animation alternates with sets, miniatures and everything we know and love Zeman for. The music is also good and the actors are great. Petr Kostka really reminds us of Philip's Fan-Fan the Tulip, and Karel Effa also played his villain nicely. In addition to all this, there are beautiful women, František Smolík as the narrator and Vladimír Menšík in a minor but without exaggeration memorable role of the court painter... I don't give it a fifth star only because of the slightly slower pace into which The Jester's Tale falls in the third quarter.


A vörös sárkány (2002) 

angol A juicy, meaty dish with an excellent Ralph Fiennes. A bit weaker than Scott’s Hannibal. Surprisingly, I found Edward Norton quite likeable.


Hannibal (2001) 

angol "What do you think? Does Lecter want to kill her, eat her, fuck her, or what?" - "Probably all of the above. It depends on the order." This is the sequel to The Silence of the Lambs, and it did not reach the high standard of its predecessor, but it does still have something to offer. Hannibal earned my attention with Scott's impressive narrative direction, the gorgeous Florence scenes, the unforgettable "nastiness"... Well, why not? "So what's it going to be - guts in or out?"


A szupercsapat (2010) 

angol The A-Team is fun. The A-Team is funny. The A-Team is certainly not smart, but it knows that very well, and it doesn’t pretend to be something it’s not. When I saw it in the movie theater, I was bothered by the slightly complicated plot and the hasty editing, which made several scenes a mess. But after watching the (extended) DVD version, all the criticisms are gone and I give this more than two-hour, but incredibly fast-paced blockbuster a fifth star. Great! The action scenes are beautifully over-the-top and a joy to watch, whether it's the famous falling tank from the trailer, the opening helicopter chase, the team's liberation from prison, the action in Frankfurt, the finale on the docks, and so on... The actors are precisely chosen and everyone enjoys their part (Neeson's line "So, Satan walks into this bar..." could become iconic). Silvestri's soundtrack (his most original thing since Van Helsing) deserves a mention.__ P.S. A 3D film in a German hospital... That scene is unprecedented.


Volt (2008) 

angol Question: When will people stop comparing all animation to what Pixar does? Answer: When there are more films of such quality for everyone, like Bolt. A clever, brisk and funny film with likeable animal heroes (Bolt is great, but the ironic cat, the moronic pigeons and the maniac hamster are not at all bad either), a beginning that perfectly takes its cues from action movies and TV series of all kinds, something for the youngest viewers and a wink to the adult audience... The moral lesson at the end is there, of course, but it is delivered so nicely (no tears or long hugs) that it cannot offend. Plus Powell's great music, good dubbing (Travolta is Travolta)... Four pure stars.


9 (2009) 

angol Three and a half stars. In 9, form triumphs over content, and it does so with ease. The film is really nice to look at, the animation is almost flawless, all the technical toys are well thought out and the post-apocalyptic world is beautifully demolished and dead. But the script is also dead - it likely won't surprise anyone, and if it does, it's only because of how boring it is. That’s really unfortunate - the action scenes are nicely and imaginatively shot, the rag dolls are likeable and the robots appropriately "dark"... But the plot...


Resiklo (2007) 

angol Everything was as it should be in this movie. The actors weren't acting, the unknown director didn't become known, the cheap special effects weren't good, the script was written by a stoned monkey that had seen Transformers, War of the Worlds, Alien and a few other sci-fi movies that he shamelessly ripped off and pillaged. I give it one star for the courage to make something like this and for the fact that it is not a mega-catastrophe, but simply a B-movie. There are definitely worse ones out there (and they sometimes make it to the movie theaters).


Kinsey - Mindenki másképp csinálja (2004) 

angol I can’t say Kinsey surprised me. I expected it to be good, but THIS good? I could have only hoped that. Four and a half stars and I’m looking forward to watching it again.


A Sherwoodi erdő titka (2009) (Tévéfilm) 

angol I stopped resisting and finally watched this film after getting a recommendation from someone. In bits and pieces and on YouTube, but I watched it. Well folks, that was a blast (can you feel the irony?). Seriously! Spectacular action scenes (irony) are interspersed with witty dialogue (still irony), all underscored by catchy music, spiced up with good special effects and played by quite likeable actors (irony, irony, irony). And you know what's the funniest part of all this? I don't even know why I gave it one star. Probably because I survived it. And I'm actually something of a hero now. (Maybe one day someone will make something about me too - yeah, that would be great)


Elveszett gyerekek városa (1995) 

angol The visuals (they are great!) of The City of Lost Children look like a cross between Tim Burton, Terry Gilliam and let's say... Pitof. Beautifully stylized images create the right atmosphere that a grim fantasy tale should have. What brought the film down was the super weird and super uninteresting script. There was hardly anything going on in it, damn it! And when something was happening, it was so stupid it was shameful. In addition to all this, I was annoyed by the character of the little "cute" brother, who was always eating something and then burping... and the cloned idiots also didn't make it any better. At least the well-acted duo of Ron Perlman and Judith Vittet showed up in the lead roles and saved what they could. I give it a two and a half (I almost didn't finish the film), which I round up (for sticking it out in the end, and for the final youthful and aging scene).