Guardians Of The Earth

  • Ausztria Die Klimakonferenz (több)
Előzetes 1


Sand passes through the hourglass. The average temperature on Earth has already increased by one degree Celsius. If the two degree limit is exceeded, most ecosystems will collapse. The United Nations has been trying to achieve a global climate agreement since 1995. It has tried and it has failed. Guardians of the Earth depicts a point in time twenty years later: the historic Paris Climate Change Conference. Director Filip Antoni Malinowski offers the viewer a backstage pass to see what’s going on behind closed doors. There, a group of 20,000 negotiators will decide on the fate of all humankind. Carbon dioxide emissions must be reduced and the climate change must be stopped, but in order to take effect, the agreement must gain the approval of all 195 countries. However, small island nations and the oil giant Saudi Arabia have different interests – only the others are sinking.
Tii Starck (Translation: Ulrika Sundelin) (DocPoint)
