
The Golden Bowl, set in England and Italy during the early 1900s, is the story of Maggie (Kate Beckinsale), the daughter of an American tycoon, Adam Verver (Nick Nolte), who marries an impoverished yet charming Italian aristocrat, Prince Amerigo (Jeremy Northam). Through a twist of fate, Adam marries the Prince's former lover Charlotte Stant (Uma Thurman). Maggie's suspicion of an affair between the Prince and Charlotte grows after the ill-fated purchase of a golden bowl. It becomes only a matter of time before Maggie unravels the truth from a world of deception and lies. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)



The Golden Bowl

The Golden Bowl

Music From The Merchant Ivory Production

Kiadta: Milan Records

Év: 2001

Ország: Egyesült Államok

Formátum: CD

Felvétel: 55:23

1. Opening Credits Richard Robbins 03:21
2. Charlotte And The Prince Richard Robbins 03:25
3. Verver's London Home / A Fresh Start Richard Robbins 01:43
4. Green Park / The Golden Bowl / Fauns Richard Robbins 03:18
5. Charlotte And Verver / Photograph Of Maggie Richard Robbins 02:32
6. Charlotte And Verver In Italy Richard Robbins 01:21
7. Lancaster House / Lady Gwendolyn's Galop Richard Robbins 04:00
8. Photographs / After The Costume Ball Richard Robbins 02:36
9. The Sofa Waltz / The Kiss / Candles On The Staircase Richard Robbins 02:48
10. The Inn Richard Robbins 02:43
11. Madame Tussaud / The Steam Museum Richard Robbins 02:31
12. The Golden Slave Richard Robbins 04:32
13. The Lecture / Maggie Finds The Bowl Richard Robbins 03:59
14. American City Richard Robbins 01:09
15. Verver In Despair Richard Robbins 01:34
16. The Broken Bowl Richard Robbins 03:50
17. The Letter / The Execution / Henry VII Richard Robbins 02:58
18. To American City Richard Robbins 03:09
19. End Credits Richard Robbins 03:54