Les Rats démineurs de tanzanie

  • Egyesült Államok The Mine-clearing Rat
Franciaország / Németország, 2008, 52 perc


A Tanzanian man - Mkumbo - walks slowly in a beautiful garden talking to an animal.
As though he were addressing his pet, he coaxes the animal to move forward. The animal, a large rat, as big as a cat, scampers playfully at his master's feet. Then Mkumbo affectionately strokes the Rat, named "Ronaldinho" as he attaches a rope to the collar, held at either end by Mkumbo and another man. The rat lurches forward, sniffing the ground attentively. Suddenly he stops. Mkumbo rewards him immediately with a piece of banana, saying "Good boy, good boy".
The rat can smell even a small amount of TNT, an explosive found in antipersonnel mines. Here at the APOPO center, the rats are trained to find buried mines. There are 110 million mines in the world,and they have caused a million victims in the last 20 years. In Tanzania, they are trying to fight the terrible weapons of landmines... with Ronaldinho and many other rats. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


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