
  • Egyesült Államok The Chimney (fesztivál filmcím)
Lettország, 2013, 53 perc


Laila Pakalniņa


Laila Pakalniņa


In a cluster of houses outside town, in the shadow of an old chimney, there live several light-haired girls. This light portrait of a unique children's microcosm consists of scenes from daily life, in which most of the time is spent exploring one's surroundings, playing, and asking curious questions on various subjects. With her extreme sense for detail, the director convincingly captures the poetry of the everyday. The result is a fresh and humorous look at a world surrounded by vegetation, wrecked cars, and puddles that is ruled by spontaneity, playfulness and the immediacy of children's logic. (Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival)



Felhasználó Formátum Nyelvek Hozzáadva Jegyz.
CDFjihlava Egyéb