
Tuck, Munch and Alex are a trio of inseparable friends from a quiet neighbourhood who long for adventure. One day the boys find a cryptic signal on their phones and convinced that it is part of something bigger they set out on a quest to find the source. What they discover is something beyond their wildest imaginations – launching the boys on an epic journey as they attempt to help their new friend make his way back to his home planet... (eOne Films International)


Videók (17)

Filmrészlet 2
Filmrészlet 2 - Teo Halm (színész), Astro (színész), Reese Hartwig (színész)
SZ: angol
Filmrészlet 1
Filmrészlet 1 - Reese Hartwig (színész), Ella Wahlestedt (színésznő), Jason Gray-Stanford (színész)
SZ: angol