
Charlie, a tailor's assistant is dismissed for incompetence. His boss finds a note from a Count declining the invitation to a masquerade party thrown by a wealthy heiress and decides to attend in disguise. Charlie meanwhile has gone to see his friend the cook and is dodging the butler at the heiress's back door. In the process he constantly encounters an over-ripe cheese that the cook is trying to dispose of. Charlie encounters his old boss who owns up to his impersonation and suggests that Charlie acts as his secretary, but Charlie gets there first and presents himself as the count. Charlie develops his own style of etiquette over dinner, as soup, spaghetti and watermelon present their own unique challenges. On the dance floor the rivalry with the ex-boss for the heiress continues through a two-step, a tango, and a country dance, before the real count arrives and calls the police. A chase ensues from which Charlie extricates himself and the boss is fingered for the crime. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)

