Čas jeřabin

összes plakát


It is shortly before Christmas and František Valda returns to his native village to visit his mother. The landscape is covered with snow, and when František spots a man lying by the road, immediately stops his car. The man is very drunk and would certainly freeze to death without help. František puts him on his feet and tries to tell about him the people in the nearby house. Its inhabitants, however, do not even open the door. František returns to the man and loads him into his car. The unknown does not respond to any questions nor sympathetic words about loneliness. František therefore drops him off by a wooden hut on a railway station. The mother welcomes and hosts her son but he cannot but think about the horrible frost outside all the time. He returns to the hut but there is no one there any more. František stops by in the local pub and asks his childhood friend publican Arnošt for a flash lamp. At the very moment, the unknown man steps into the local with František passing utterly unnoticed. He seems to be in much better shape than before. He, however, again disappears in the dark. František calms down and returns home to his mother. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)



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