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  • Kanada Infinity Pool (több)
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Cronenberg fiának harmadik nagyjátékfilmje egy szürreális sci-fi-misztikus-bodyhorror, amit Magyarorzságon és Horvátorzságban forgattak. A sztori a korrupcióról, a társadalmi rétegek közti különbségekről, a kiváltságosok gátlástalanságáról, a hedonizmusról, az elszabadult ösztönökről, az alkotói válságról, továbbá egy defektes párkapcsolatról szól. Mindezek mellett, a főhős (Alexander Skarsgard) kemény indentitáskrízist él át már azelőtt, hogy „Tudom mit tettél tavaly nyáronna” l egybekötött rémálomba fordulna a vakációja. (Pannonia Entertainment Ltd.)


Recenziók (5)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar "I went for a colonoscopy last month, and it was like looking at a painting by Jackson Polyp." Mennyire remek kezdés... és mennyire lapos eredmény. A főszereplő páros baljós szimbolizmuson, incselkedő szexualitáson és egy tragikus baleseten keresztül kúszik lefelé a pokolba. Lynch-szerű álmodozás, Cronenberg-szerű testiség, Kubrick-szerű punk. De a Mechanikus narancs című film felvillanása az utolsó érdekes dolog, amivel itt a második részben lehet dolgozni. A kezdeti motívumokban rejlő hatalmas potenciál kiaknázatlan marad: kiválóan lehetett volna dolgozni a központi páros kapcsolatának pszichológiájával (a nő nem tudja, mi változott meg, és fokozatosan, rémülten fedezi fel), közben kibogozni a sziget bizarr világát a maga félelmetes szabályaival, és az egészet metaforikusan befonni a kiégett író ihletkeresésének motívumával. Ehelyett a fiatal Cronenberg és a főhőse az empátiától és saját identitásától elszakadt, indokolatlanul antagonisztikus hiúságba ragadnak. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol What happens in La Tolqa stays in La Tolqa. The best Brandon Cronenberg yet, who has only now fully matured as a director and is following in his daddy's footsteps. Cronenberg's signature is very much in evidence, and those who don't like his films probably won't change their minds now either. Infinity Pool, however, is more of a psychedelic thriller than a horror film that relies on the unsettling and uncomfortable. Twisted more by theme and idea than explicit violence – there's less of that here for my taste than I expected based on overseas reviews, but again, other elements balance it out. The central couple are enjoying an all-inclusive stay at a fictional resort, but the idyllic holiday is altered by a sudden fatal accident that changes the lives of everyone involved. Rough local rules with a perverse local subculture, psychological hedonism and original cloning are all interesting elements. The direction and execution are on a high level. Alexander Skarsgard is great and Mia Goth delivers another affected and insane performance – Pearl 2 Evolved. (that girl really amuses and turns me on at the same time), and there is one psychotropic and hallucinogenic sex orgy scene that is a delight and I can understand the NC-17 rating, albeit more for the nudity than the violence. The gore is practically non-existent (apart from one nicely smashed head there's almost nothing), but the unsettling atmosphere where something unpleasant hangs in the air works well, and script-wise it's quite unpredictable and quite properly wild. I definitely had more fun than I'd hoped. The film won't please everyone due to its controversial approach and lack of any significant horror scenes, but that's typical of Cronenberg. It's got depth, great actors, impressive ideas, brilliant direction and perverted nudity, pluse the make-up effects are perfectly creepy, too bad they didn't use them better and more often... All that was really missing was proper gore to complete satisfaction. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A writer with a creative block trapped in an urn paradise. The sci-fi premise only lightly skates over moral and ethical questions, as Surreal Cronenberg Jr., in the spirit of magical realism and inhaling a wandering root, leaves the stand-in with breasts at least two sizes larger than Mia Goth. By the way, her eyebrows had an atmosphere that I prefer over the content in such films. Just hints... Alexander Skarsgård is beginning to show some Pullman-like traits, but that doesn’t mean he’s ventured onto the Lost Highway here. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I watched the hard NC-17 version. Infinity Pool is Cronenberg Jr.'s best yet – less depressing this time, but more entertaining and morbidly humorous. If possible, don't give away too much of the plot, although the trailer has already covered a lot of it. The charm is in the surprise. Alexander Skarsgård gives it his all many times over, Mia Goth is once again a force of nature, and some of the audiovisual scenes are pretty memorable (I don't know how trimmed down the R version is). I fully recommend it to fans of sci-fi horror. We may only be in January, but it's already one of the top genre films of the year for me. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Brandon Cronenberg lives up to his surname and serves up another divisive, weird, WTF audio-visual renaissance that feels like a twin of Possessor. It's just as visually colorful, just as weird, and it evokes the same mixed feelings, but I don't know if I actually liked it or not. Infinity Pool features a really large number of symbols, parables and clues that make you feel like you need to read between the lines and think about a bit, but at the same time, it will be hard to digest for a large group of viewers. Unfortunately, not because (as we had hoped) it offers something extreme, raw or visually extraordinary, on the contrary the director keeps very much to the surface and doesn't offer us anything substantial, but unfortunately it is hard to digest because it is simply a form of "elevated" horror that can be interpreted in many, many ways. Strange? Definitely. Good? Hard to say. Either way, keep your eyes open and pay attention, because this is probably a film that needs to be seen multiple times to catch every detail and theory that Cronenberg throws at us. ()