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A streaming szolgáltatás legjobb filmjei



EvilPhoEniXHogyan lettem szerelmes egy gengszterbe(2022) 

I'd rather live a year as a tiger than twenty years as a turtle! After his last year’s How I Became a Gangster. True Story, Maciej Kawulski serves up another strongly narrative opus magnum and I think this guy is the… (több)

PethushkaVacsora négy főre(2022) 

How nice to see a film for the first time in a while where I just slap it with five stars with no BUTs. We know from previous experience that when a bunch of Italians get together around a table, some interesting… (több)

MalarkeyThe Lost Daughter(2021) 

Maggie Gyllenhaal is a better actress than she is a director. It’s nice that she has plenty of friends in Hollywood who were willing to join her feature debut, but from a filmmaking standpoint, this was pretty… (több)