A Fehér Lótusz

  • Egyesült Államok The White Lotus
Egyesült Államok, (2021–2025), 13 h 31 perc (Percek: 54–63 perc)

Streaming (1)

Évad(3) / Epizódok(14)


Ez a hat epizódból álló sorozat egy társadalmi szatíra egy csapat szállóvendéggel a fókuszban, akik egyhetes vakációjukat töltik egy exkluzív hawaii üdülőhelyen, hogy kikapcsolódjanak és megfiatalodjanak a paradicsomban. A főszereplők: Murray Bartlett, Connie Britton, Jennifer Coolidge, Alexandra Daddario, Fred Hechinger, Jake Lacy, Brittany O'Grady, Natasha Rothwell, Sydney Sweeney és Steve Zahn, a sorozatot pedig a Megvilágosultam című HBO-sorozat alkotója és forgatókönyvírója, Mike White jegyzi. Ahogy végigkövetjük az elsőre paradicsominak tűnő állapotokat a hawaii luxus pihenőhelyen, ráébredünk, hogy minden nappal egyre sötétebbé és összetettebbé válik az utazókról eddig alkotott tökéletes kép, ami kiterjed a szálloda vidám dolgozóira és az idilli helyszínre egyaránt. (HBO Europe)


Videók (3)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol Season 1: White Lotus is an unorthodox series that is literally strange and different in every way, and yet (or maybe because of it) it's a hit series that has no rivals. The uniquely constructed story of a few people in a hotel gives all the characters room to shine and develop fabulously throughout, each one is simply their own and unique, perfectly written and their performances are very good (Alexandra Daddario clearly leads the way!!). The cinematography is spot on and has some haunting and daring shots in places (shitting in a suitcase, the boss's practices in his office…), which, along with the haunting music, contribute to the end result in a big way; and the script, which is very ordinary at its core yet an utterly bizarre mindfuck in the details, is so great and gripping that six episodes was not enough for me and I want more right now. The final episode took a slightly different path than I had hoped, but it still brought the series to a glorious conclusion and the result is so worth it. No reservations. Season 2: So simple, yet so f*cking amazing!!! The second season of White Lotus is the definition of the word perfection and is in the same spirit as the first. The characters are some of the most entertaining on screen, their development and acting is unrivalled and it's Oscar-worthy, and perhaps that goes straight to all the main characters, because acting like that and having the audience literally devour every episode is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. The build-up to the whole thing is creeping and cleverly navigated through the excellent interaction of the characters in the hotel, slowly but nerve-wrackingly building up to the finale, where everything cracks and it's (again!) incredible mental carnage. Add to that clever screenwriting, the disturbing ubiquitous music suggesting that "there's something in the air" and you've got a winner. Undoubtedly the show of the year, and Mike White has done it again. I could watch this every day. I WANT MORE! ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A bit like Carry On Holiday, but this movie has a quality, satirical script, characters full of character and a semi-mystery plot that has you trying to guess who is going to kick the bucket. Mike White does an excellent job of capturing the imperfections of contemporary society. Aggrieved prima donas with too much money reveal what is important for today’s world and against this the lower classes are just trying to get by, giving birth at work, pretending to be something they aren’t and stealing. Every single acting performances are splendid, but the very best comes from Murray Bartlett as the hotel director, intoxicated by his guests. A great miniseries highlighting the failings of the contemporary world. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A tv series that definitely catches your interest. We watch a plethora of insufferable guests, the worst characters imaginable, who compete to be the most hateful and the most deserving of a beating. But strangely, this group grabs you and doesn’t let you go. The story forces you to follow its plot, and I'm glad to say that the characters themselves don't remain at the point of stagnation. Outstanding acting performances especially by M. Bartlett and J. Coolidge, absolutely brilliant and atmospheric music that perfectly accompanies almost every scene, and I must praise the editing too. And that makes it a very successful miniseries. ()

Galéria (279)

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