Élni akarok!

  • Egyesült Államok I Want to Live! (több)


Arrested for fatally beating an elderly widow, Barbara Graham (Hayward) at first goads the police, refusing to answer their questions. But when an alleged accomplice turns state's evidence, Graham insists that she's innocent. Condemned by the press and the public, Graham is found guilty of murder and sentenced to die in the gas chamber. But as her execution date nears, Graham desperately attempts to expose the truth and save her life against all odds. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)


Recenziók (1)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol If Susan Hayward hadn't been so theatrical at times that you don't believe her, the film would deserve an even higher rating, but her exaggerated acting bothered me a bit. On the other hand, her final scene is quite nicely subdued and has the right impact. A strong drama about justice and the death penalty. ()