
  • Egyesült Államok The Gentlemen
Előzetes 3
Egyesült Királyság / Egyesült Államok, 2024, 6 h 41 perc (Percek: 41–67 perc)

Streaming (1)



Amikor az arisztokrata Eddie megörökli a családi birtokot, rá kell döbbenie, hogy az egy hatalmas marihuánabirodalomnak ad otthont, a tulajdonosok pedig nem mennek sehová. (Netflix)

Recenziók (2)



az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol Right from the start, I have to say that I enjoyed the series a lot. However, I was quite disappointed that the creators barely tapped into the potential of, in my opinion, the best character: Jeff, the groundskeeper, gamekeeper, and mentor. I've touched on this in my episode reviews, but it's worth mentioning again that Guy Ritchie didn't fully utilize his potential either. Sure, it wasn't his script, but I still expected a lot more dark humor and something beyond the current cheap tricks. I've noticed that the concept of an unexpected twist has quietly vanished from films and series. Instead, we're stuck with its younger sibling from the Twist family: Expected Twist, who goes by the nickname Essentially Annoying. This nuisance dominated the series, especially in the last three episodes, and it really spoiled the overall experience for me. / Lesson learned: When preserving family traditions and estates, the end justifies the means. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Guy Ritchie at his best! For me it's an even more entertaining and coherent experience than the original film, albeit without any proper stars, but it's London Gangster as it should be! The likable Theo James inherits a drug empire after his father dies, with a fortune and its problems to deal with, most of which are caused by his wayward brother Daniel Ings. Alongside Theo, Kaya Scodelario is awesome, and is not only great to watch but has a superbly written character. Ritchie could have pushed the envelope more in terms of action and violence, we get relatively little of that here, but he makes up for it with polished and witty dialogue, great twists, great pacing, cool characters (every new character on the scene is awesome) and a likeable atmosphere. I really devoured the whole series in one breath without blinking an eye, that's how much I enjoyed it. We're only in March and already there are at least five candidates for series of the year. This year is going to be very interesting. 9/10. ()

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