Furiosa - Történet a Mad Maxből

  • Ausztrália Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (több)
Előzetes 5


Ki tudja, már, miért lett vége a világnak? Miért lett belőle végtelen, gonosz homoksivatag? Csak annyi biztos, hogy a világ elpusztult, és egy fiatal lányt, Furiosát (Anya Taylor-Joy) elrabolják a Zöld Helyről, a Sok Anyától, és egy motoros horda meg a vezérük, Dementus viszi magával. Végigporzanak a sivatagon, és a Várat veszik célba, ahol meg a motoros hadúr meg akar küzdeni Halhatlan Joe-val (Chris Hemsworth) és a féléltű hadfiúkból álló seregével. Furiosa viszont életben akar maradni. És haza akar jutni. Bármi áron. A Mad Max: A harag útja azóta is felülmúlhatatlan látványorgiával, hihetetlen fantáziával és nagyon vad járgányokkal mutatta meg, milyen lesz a világvége után. Az új film 45 évvel korábban játszódik: akit az előző részben Charlize Theron játszott, azt most egy új sztár, Anya Taylor-Joy alakítja. (InterCom)


Videók (9)

Előzetes 5

Recenziók (12)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Furiosa és várható bosszújának története, ráadásul a Citadella részletesebb megismerésével együtt, dramaturgiai szempontból sűrűbb, mint végtelen hajsza az első filmben. Ennek ellenére a legkegyetlenebb jelenetekben vagy érzelmekre való utalásokban sem túlzottan érzelmes. És főleg nincs benne Tom Hardy. A Furiosa gyerekkora óta az erőszak, a kegyetlenség és a gusztustalanság által formált karaktere mégis elég erős húzóerő, a film dinamikája az első jelenettől hihetetlen, az őrült maszkok és jelmezek, vizuális és részletes elemekkel együtt pedig egyszerűen lenyűgözőek. A filmdíszletek csúcsa és egy különleges fantázia világ létrehozása. Azonban gondban voltam, hogy Chris Hemsworth-nak teljesen elhiggyem ezt az őrült gazembert. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol George Miller took a nine-year hiatus after Fury Road dabbling in a less exciting romantic fantasy, before returning to deliver one of the best action films in recent years. Furiosa is an absolute blast, albeit different from its predecessor. It tells the epic tale of Furiosa’s relentless quest for revenge in one of the most brutal cinematic worlds ever created. The film oscillates between sheer brutality and absurdity, keeping the audience entertained despite the mind-boggling moments that seem to defy imagination. At times, it felt like watching a Tarantino flick on steroids, especially during the meticulously planned revenge in the second half. Chris Hemsworth shines in his role, clearly having a blast. Anya Taylor-Joy and her younger counterpart Alyla Browne are also fantastic, but it was Tom Burke who unexpectedly stood out to me in this harsh world. Each actor contributes to a story that is gritty, thrilling, and occasionally illogical, yet not as shocking as Fury Road. I have a feeling this will be one of the standout films of 2024. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol After nine years, the spin-off prequel to the fourth installment of the established franchise from a nearly 80-year-old geezer... If it weren't for the Mad Max franchise and the old-timer George Miller, one would have expected a mess. But that series is Mad Max and that old man is the visionary Miller, or once again, a peculiar, lavish, audio-visually polished spectacle, brimming with ideas in literally every scene. My only criticism is that the running time is too (especially in one particular chapter). It teeters on the edge of "more of the same" vs. "more room for characters and world building but not more of the same". Which isn't necessarily a criticism, but a more pronounced lean to one side might not be out of place. Either way, they are just minor details. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Furiosa was still a child when she was taken from her home. She grew up surrounded by violence and madness, but she never stopped wanting revenge. In the wasteland, a war is brewing between two armies of brutal dictators, and Furiosa intends to be on the front lines. George Miller returns to a harsh post-apocalyptic world, but in a slightly different way than you might expect. There's still plenty of action, and there are so many ideas in a single scene that other Hollywood blockbusters could live off of it for years. However, this time around there are more complex characters and, above all, a greater effort to immerse yourself in a world full of chaos and discover that it too has its own order. Miller delivers another one of his visually lavish and uncompromising visions, and he knows he can afford not to pander to audiences who expect nothing more than more of what they got last time. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol George Miller is a god and serves up another excellent post-apocalyptic blast. If Fury Road was a 10, this is a very solid 9! Another great visually lavish cinematic experience, of which there won't be many this year, so don't hesitate any longer and head on over! It tells the revenge story of a young Furiosa in an attractive post-apocalyptic world. All the factions and how they work is very fun and interesting (I liked the costumes and the visuals of all the characters, they were properly insane). It's got an intense and adrenaline-packed pace, and even though the first big action scene comes somewhere before the halfway point, it's decently suspenseful and engaging until then, there's simply no danger of boredom. Anya Taylor Joy is excellent as always, and here she doesn’t even have to speak properly, her look was enough to express all the emotions perfectly. Thor a.k.a. Dementus gives the best performance of his career, he really enjoys the madman perfectly. Visually it's again very intense, the music is beautifully ear-splitting, the action scenes surprise with more and more crazy ideas, and you enjoy every shot and moment. There’s even one delightful small cameo, and the ending with the living tree was awesome! Furiosa with Dune 2 and Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is clearly the king of this year's blockbusters. There are plenty of epic moments that will make me very happy to watch Furiosa again. 9/10. ()

Galéria (31)

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A Cannes-i Filmfesztivál Arany Pálma-díj győztese


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