
One summer’s night in 1945, 300 children are in transit from Prague to the Lake District, a remote and picturesque corner of the English countryside. They are child survivors of the Nazi Holocaust that has all but wiped out Europe’s Jews – and for these particular children, their entire families too. They are some of the 1000 children the British government has granted refuge to, giving them a place where they can rehabilitate and grow strong after the devastation of the war. They carry only the clothes they wear and a few meagre possessions, along with the physical and psychological scars of all they have suffered. They do not know what awaits them in Britain and naturally they are fearful: they don’t speak English, and having spent many years living in death camps, have missed out on a proper education. But the children are also excited, for the war is over, and there is always hope that the future will be kinder to them than the past. (Spirit Entertainment)



The Windermere Children

The Windermere Children

Original Soundtrack

Kiadta: Sony Classical

Év: 2020

Ország: Egyesült Államok

Formátum: digital

Felvétel: 33:20

1. A New Beginning Alex Baranowski 03:10
2. Salek's Theme Alex Baranowski 01:04
3. Inseparable Alex Baranowski 02:23
4. Escape To The Woods Alex Baranowski 01:16
5. Stolen Bikes Alex Baranowski 01:00
6. A Family Lost Alex Baranowski 00:51
7. Bad Dreams Alex Baranowski 02:26
8. Painting Pictures Alex Baranowski 01:13
9. Haunted By The Past Alex Baranowski 01:43
10. Letters From The Red Cross Alex Baranowski 02:23
11. Prayer For The Dead Alex Baranowski 01:16
12. Thoughts Of Home Alex Baranowski 01:12
13. Sala Paints Alex Baranowski 01:11
14. Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen Alex Baranowski 02:03
15. Arriving For The Game Alex Baranowski 01:03
16. England Is Very Green Alex Baranowski 01:10
17. A Brother Returns Alex Baranowski 01:26
18. The Windermere Children Alex Baranowski 05:04
19. A Life Lived Alex Baranowski 01:26