
  • Franciaország Pleasure (több)
Előzetes 1


Strong, self-confident but naive, porn industry newcomer Bella Cherry believes she can mold the corrupt system to satisfy her needs. But, in the end, she must confront whether she'll pay with her soul for stardom, or not. (Decal Releasing)

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Előzetes 1

Recenziók (8)


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magyar Nem éppen felfedező téma a showbizniszben elért sikerről, amelynek ára a saját ártatlanságunk és barátaink elvesztése, de a legmegfelelőbb környezetbe helyezve és technikailag tökéletesen megfilmesítve. Egy dokumentumfilm, amely a játékfilm látszatát keltve jobban megtéveszt, mint ahogy a sztárjai színlelik a gyönyört. Biztosan nagy élmény lehetett fesztiválon egy zsúfolásig megtelt teremben látni, az óriáspéniszek és a pornóhangulat már az elejétől fogva uralja a képet. A film érdekes bemutatása annak, hogyan működik a hollywoodi pornóbiznisz (ügynökök, partik, filmes szettek és a filmesek közötti kommunikáció), és a filmes szakma valós személyiségei is láthatók benne. Maximálisan nyitott, nem fél teljes mértékben megmutatni a legkényelmetlenebb pillanatokat is, amelyeket egy kezdő pornószínésznő átélhet, ha mindenbe belemegy. Ellenkezőleg, ezek fokozásával ügyesen fejleszti a főszereplő átalakulását, aki kezdeti tapasztalatlansága ellenére sikeresen jut "egyre magasabbra és magasabbra". A svéd Sofia Kappel remekül testesíti meg a buja étvágyú szőke angyalt, a barna hajú femme-fatale Evelyn Claire pedig az ő ideális alteregója akire felnéz, és akivel a film legjobb, csúcsjelenetét éli át. Nem akarom újra felhozni A sötétség útja - Mulholland Drive filmet, de David Lynch óriási hatással volt filmkészítők új generációira. Itt ráadásul tematikus pornó árnyalatokkal a Lost Highway - Útvesztőben című filmből. Ha a technikailag zseniális Pleasure film nem lenne ennyire svéd módra hűvös, hanem rendelkezne Lynch fent említett filmjeinek magával ragadó költőiségével és érzésbeli komplexitásával, akkor a válogatós néző hamarabb éhezne meg szellemileg, mint fizikailag. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Pleasure is enticing with its attractive behind-the-scenes view of the porn industry, the hardcore 18+ visual component and the depiction of this environment from the perspective of an aspiring actress, which sounds highly promising and original, and could even spur non-trivial discussions. At its core, however, it is a hackneyed, clichéd morality tale with a formulaic story about the single-minded effort to reach the top for the false illusion of the American dream, in which the protagonist gradually sacrifices friends, her own dignity and part of her personality, only to ultimately become one of those people she used to despise. This is an extremely physical film, but it doesn’t actually have much to say about what goes on behind the scenes in the porn industry (unlike documentaries like Rocco, for example), because regardless of the authenticity of the locations and the practices depicted, as well as the appearance of real porn personalities, it is undermined by its artificially formulaic narrative. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This perfectly crafted festival product shields itself with phrases like “a female perspective on a male industry”, “sparks debate”, “provocatively authentic”, “contains disturbing scenes”, etc. At the same time, however, it merely serves up a morality play that says nothing new on the topic of the illusory nature of the career of a porn star. It thus engagingly but predictably maps the career trajectory of the main female protagonist, whose path to shady supposed stardom leads through ever increasing self-degradation and loss of self-worth. Paradoxically, perhaps the most interesting question that the film indirectly raises may be why porn not only uses formulas and stereotypes in its narratives, but also invokes them as an industry and meat-grinder of human bodies and identities. --- It is necessary to praise the experiential benefit of seeing Pleasure at a festival, when stepping out of the Hotel Thermal after the film and finding oneself among stylish girls in stilettos and conceited dandies around the Becherbar added a 4DX dimension to the screening. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A realistic, bold and authentic portrait of the American porn industry. A young 19-year-old Swedish girl travels alone to LA to fulfill her dream of becoming a porn star, but soon discovers that the road to the top will not be easy. From overcoming her own boundaries to battling with agents and producers and rivalries between other divas. It's a strange film, definitely one of a kind, but I was impressed. The film is very gritty in certain scenes, breaking cinematic taboos and it certainly doesn't shy away from nudity. All full frontal! I found it interesting that Mark Spiegler plays himself (he is an American talent in the lookout for up-and-coming porn actresses called the Spiegler Girls). The main character is likeable albeit naive, she acts great and is willing to do anything for fame, so some of the decisions are quite unexpected. The rawest scene from a shooting was probably the violent one, which is not very easy to watch. The film could be classified in the sexploitation subgenre and works reliably as a peek behind the curtain into the porn industry. 7/10. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol If we disregard the chosen environment of Pleasure, which offers characters and practices that may be peculiar and unorthodox to some, it is actually a pretty formulaic cookie-cutter movie about a person with ambition and cunning trying to make their way to the top at any cost. This is a subject matter we have seen many times before. Everything in this movie just goes on without any real surprises, and when you get to the finale you realize it does not really make a point. It is perhaps interesting as a peek under the hood of the porn industry, however, there is too much missing in the narrative to make it a satisfying movie. [KVIFF 2021] ()

Galéria (26)