Sötét erő

  • Egyesült Királyság The Power
Előzetes 1


London, 1974. Val éppen azon az éjszakán kezdi meg első munkanapját a Kelet-Londoni Kórház gyengélkedőjén, amikor áramkimaradások tapasztalhatóak országszerte. Bár a legtöbb beteget átszállítják más intézményekbe, a fiatal nővérnek az omladozó épület rideg falai között kell töltenie mint éjszakai ügyeletes. A sötét folyosók félelmetes titkot rejtenek, és a lány hamarosan rájön, hogy nincs egyedül… (ADS Service)


Videók (2)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (7)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Debutant Corinna Faith has made a ghostly film that, at least in its first half, manages to captivate with a rather unpleasant atmosphere and a convincing Rose Williams in the lead role. Unfortunately, the closer we get to the end, the more it becomes apparent that the director-screenwriter may have had too much ambition and can't quite pull off the themes she introduces. The Power ultimately wants to say too much and thus trips over its own feet in the finale. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A nice British period ghost story that has some current social insight, but thankfully doesn't forget that horror is supposed to scare the viewer at least a little bit. A semi-abandoned hospital in the middle of London in the 1970s, at a time of regular all-night power cuts, is the perfect place for such a scare. The Power may be a bit slow to get going, but the central night sequence had me purring in delight. A really nicely made thing that can unsettle and give chills. I was looking forward to that mood lasting to the end; alas, it didn't. The ending was a bit ham-fisted, but on the other hand it offered a relatively meaningful conclusion and did not spoil the overall positive impression. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An enjoyable, if not revelatory "haunted house" gothic horror film, where the atmosphere of an old mansion is replaced by an old hospital and a mysterious ghost delivers a social and women empowerment message. It's not particularly virtuosic and refreshing like His House, but it kept me going in the dark with no problem. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An unknown debutant delivers a pleasant little horror surprise that will satisfy most fans after a long time. The story takes place in the 1970s, in old London, in a hospital where the protagonist played by Alicia Vikander is applying for a nursing position. Right on her first night, there is a power outage and with it comes the scares! After the initial 20 minutes and getting to know the characters, it immediately gets to the point and scares continuously for almost an hour! Bravo! Finally a filmmaker who knows that horror should scare and not put the viewer to sleep with dialogues, and it works great. The hospital in the dark is nicely spooky and you definitely won’t envy the main character’s situation. The camera, the excellent soundtrack, the creepy sounds, the claustrophobic atmosphere, and the fear of the unknown all contribute. There are also a few smaller jump-scares and plot surprises. The twist at the end is definitely unexpected and I liked it. The performances are also very good (the seizure the protagonist has is played shockingly well), and there is also an emphasis on the misogyny of that time. Strong and captivating in many aspects. Girls will scream and close their eyes, I have no doubt about that. Thematically similar to the Spanish film Fragile. 8/10. ()

Galéria (39)