


Franciaország, az 1630-as évek eleje. XIII. Lajos udvari színházának új bemutatója a hugenották feletti győzelmet dicsőíti. Eközben az egyik déli kisvárosban, Loudunban békésen élnek egymás mellett a két vallás hívei. Mindez a függetlenségüket jelképező falnak és az ambiciózus jezsuita atyának, Urbain Grandiernek köszönhető. A jóképű papért bolondulnak a nők, az Orsolya-rendi apácazárda lakóit is beleértve. Amikor Grandier visszautasítja a főnöknő közeledését, Johanna boszorkánysággal vádolja meg a papot. Az ördögűzéssel Barre atyát bízzák meg. (Cinemax)


Recenziók (2)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A historical drama (not unlike the Czech film Witchhammer, as others have said) with elements of horror and a distinctive style (at times it felt like Jodorowsky’s The Holy Mountain). It was a bit boring at first, but the moment the Holy Inquisition shows up, the fun is guaranteed. A truly miserable era. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I haven't seen such a visually sophisticated film in a long time. And so bizarre. Ken Russell was original in every way, his films were a genre unto themselves, probably closest to the label gothic horror, mixed with visual ideas as if from the work of Alejandro Jodorowsky. In the first half, the action is on the sidelines, with an obscure panopticon of horny nuns, the Mother Superior with a hunchback who dreams of the penis of the head priest (brilliantly played by Oliver Reed), who sexually pleasures his flock from all walks of life in the fantastic backdrop of the fictional French town of Loudon (the film must have been terribly expensive). The rest of the film, when the holy inquisition starts working, is a truly dark spectacle (in the manner of Witchhammer) and the scene of the devil exorcising the naked nuns will haunt my mind for a long time. At times it was too bizarre, even for me. Such a bold artistic vision wouldn't be possible today, I don't know any film studio that would risk financing something like that. ()