Ígéretes fiatal nő

  • Egyesült Államok Promising Young Woman (több)
Előzetes 2


A Megszállottak viadala (Killing Eve) című sikersorozat sajátos látásmódú rendezője, Emerald Fennell ínycsiklandóan új oldaláról mutatja meg a bosszút új filmjében. Mindenki úgy vélte, hogy Cassie (Carey Mulligan) ígéretes fiatal nő... mígnem egy rejtélyes esemény hirtelen kisiklatta a sorsát. Azonban Cassie életében semmi sem az, aminek látszik: gonoszul okos, fájdalmasan rafinált, és éjszakánként titkos kettős életet él. Ám most egy váratlan találkozás esélyt adhat Cassie-nek arra, hogy jóvá tegye a múlt tévedéseit ebben az izgalmas és veszettül szórakoztató történetben. (UIP-Duna Film)


Videók (6)

Előzetes 2

Recenziók (11)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar A #metoo-hangulat revenge-flick terméke popos csomagolásban, szép szereposztással, a főszereplő próbálkozóbb jellemábrázolásával, mint azt a tematikailag hasonló bosszúhorror-filmekben megszokhattuk. Carey Mulligan aranyos, de az "Oscar-díjas" színészi alakításról szóló említések túlzás. És egyébként a film semmiképpen sem lépi túl az egyszeri játékos alkotói határokat, eredeti csak abban, hogy a témát az A-kategóriás mainstreambe helyezi. A forgatókönyvírói látszólagos varázslás a fináléban viszont igazolja kreatív határokat egy egyszerű szellős tinidráma keretein belül. A Gyilkos nemzedék merészebb és stílusosabb volt ezekben a vizeken. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It would be tempting to say that it's an uncritical critical success primarily because of the subject matter and the gender behind the script and direction, but that would be unfair to the author. The qualities in this case are due to the way the current #MeToo issue is conceived "with balls" and free of obscene declamations. I don't share the objections to the author's black-and-white "men are pigs" vision when it's the women (Madison, the dean, the ambivalent anti-heroine Cassie herself) who contribute to the overall effect/impact of "rape culture" here, after all, that's what the two acts of the revenge plan are all about. What's more, even if it did, it rides such a surgically precise black-humor wave about an achingly serious subject with a clever, deliberately overblown 80s pop neon styling that it's impossible not to fall for. Carey, then, is as engrossing as she is disturbing with her complex "PTSD performance" in the whirlwind of a self-destructive spiral of vendetta, and so perhaps only the line with Ryan grates a little too much, because it's too obvious from the start why she's there and where she's going with it. The weakest link is of course the hotly debated ending. Not the ending itself – that one is perfect –, but rather the epilogue. On the face of it, it's delivered in a way that brings satisfaction, but the further away from the screening, the more obvious it becomes that it's redundant and takes the whole thing a bit too far. It could and should have ended already in a surgery or a non-literal postal package. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It's a refreshing mix of an unadventurous romantic relationship film and a drama with a social subtext. The film opens up and tackles today's hot topics such as the ills of social networks, sexual violence and, last but not least, the eternal well of ideas in the form of pigeonholing and clientelism. At times it feels a bit like Basic Instinct without the explicit violence, Jerry Goldsmith and the ice pick, but it is endearingly nerdy or, coldly formulaic and sophisticated. Mulligan in her best role in years and thank goodness the ending isn't messed up and needlessly overdone. The only thing that really jumps out at you are the occasional moments where the characters can do 100 different things, but they do the one that fits the story so that the plot can continue. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A solid crime thriller starring the brilliant and good-looking Carey Mulligan, who at 36 looks great. The protagonist is traumatized by a tragic event from the past and seeks revenge on all men who abuse women under the influence of alcohol. The concept is great and it's a bit of a shame that the film avoids violence, as in a few scenes it clearly called for it, but it seems to be aimed at academic awards, so maybe that's why. The film flows at a good pace, can be funny in certain scenes, occasionally creates a decent psycho atmosphere, and the ending is definitely unexpected, although not entirely satisfying. A decent film that captivates more with its story, actors, and atmosphere, and if it didn't shy away from brutality, it would be even better. Story****, Action>No, Humor***, Violence>No, Entertainment****, Music***, Visual****, Atmosphere****, Tension***. 7.5/10. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol One of the few #metoo films with a heroine who’s an interesting and complex character, whose actions can be viewed quite critically, but are still somehow understandable. Add to that Carey Mulligan’s impressive performance and you get something really fun to watch, even if some situations stink of screenwriting meddling. Another thing worth mentioning is the soundtrack and one of the most satisfactory endings in a long time. ()

Galéria (29)