Az üres ember

  • Egyesült Államok The Empty Man (több)


Az üres ember egy természetfeletti horrorfilm telis-tele akcióval, feszültséggel és színtiszta borzongással. Miután egy középnyugati kisvárosból titokzatos módon kezdenek eltünedezni a tinédzserek, a helyiek gyanút fognak, hogy az eltűnések talán kapcsolódhatnak egy félelmetes helyi legendához. A nyugalmazott zsaru, James Lasombra (James Badge Dale), aki még mindig próbálja feldolgozni felesége és fia halálát, elkezdi vizsgálni a közösséget megrázó történéseket. Az események bizarr fordulatot vesznek, amikor Lasombra felfedez egy titkos okkultista csoportot, akik úgy tűnik, hogy egy szörnyű, misztikus entitást próbálnak életre hívni. Nem sokkal később Lasombra rájön, hogy a saját és a hozzá közel állók életét is szörnyű veszély fenyegeti. (HBO Europe)


Videók (1)


Recenziók (6)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Egy nagyon ambiciózus kísérlet arra, hogy a tinihorror témáját felnőtt detektívthrillerré emelje, titokzatos, már-már egzisztenciálisan filozófiai felhanggal. De nem túl jó. A hosszú expozíció nem lett volna baj, ha nem dolgozna együtt a tinihorror banális motívumaival. A szektás háttér feltárása magával ragadná az embert, ha a kulcsfontosságú "ima" mondatok nem lennének már eleve értelmesen átlátszó ostobaságok. És az összes igazság végső feltárása adhatott volna értelmet és súlyt az egésznek, ha egyrészt korábban minden működött volna, és ha a főszereplő emberi oldalának megértéséhez nem egy ilyen átlátszó esemény lett volna a kulcs. Egy ellentmondás, amely megerősíti az abszolút kreatív dezorientáltságot, a Valami követ és a Fehér éjszakák filmek gyenge árnyalataival. Ui. Miért volt a szekta épülete olyan alakú, mint a Los Angeles-i Scientology bázis? ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The Empty Man made it to American theaters, so fortunately it's not a cheap film, but I'm rather hesitant about it. It has an excellent prologue that nicely builds up anticipation, but after that, not much interesting happens. The problem is its running time. 137 minutes for a horror film is unbearable, someone went a bit overboard with the minutes, and it greatly affects the pace of the film, which is very, very slow. It's interesting that the film takes a different direction than it initially seems, but I would rather see a supernatural entity killing teenagers in an interesting way, than watching the protagonist wandering back and forth. It does improve a bit in the finale, where there is an interesting climax, but that the film is actually more of a mysterious crime thriller, as it has very few horror elements. I wouldn't recommend it, but if you enjoy mysterious films, you can give it a chance. Story***, Action>No, Humor>No, Violence*, Entertainment**, Music***, Visuals***, Atmosphere***, Tension**. 5/10. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The Empty Man is an admirably sprawling affair with great creative ambition, confounding most conventional audience expectations. The question though, is does it all go somewhere? David Prior would obviously very much like to be the next Ari Aster, but he is no match for him just yet, and he perhaps bit off more than he could chew. It is however an interesting movie to analyze, technically very well made, engaging up to the last quarter, and completely free of cheap modern horror props like self-indulgent violence and jump scares (thumbs up for that), but in the last quarter just was not comprehensible, or maybe it simply tried too hard to sell the illusion of profoundness, which just wasn't there. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The trailer touted a straightforward, many-times-seen teenage horror flick about a group kids who summon a supernatural being that will go on to cut them down one by one, and the generic name made me expect the same. Really, a monster called “Empty Man” that is summoned if you blow into an empty bottle? That’s almost funny. But this film is something completely different than it would have seemed from the marketing. My initial expectations were raised a little by the name of the director, who’s already made a very good and atmospheric short. But then it was the insane 137 minute runtime. We hardly ever see anything that long in horror, it would have to be something truly monumental and epic for the producers to greenlight it. David Prior really tries to make something ambitious (how many horror films have a 20 minute intro?), but for his feature debut he bit more than he could chew. An idea, a climax and a good atmosphere here and there – there is that, but it’s not enough. Reviewers on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb (and soon here, too) say that it’s an empty film, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. This film has actually way too much and it doesn’t hold together – it’s like three films in one! In the end I kind of liked it and it’s a pity that it wasn’t better. And yesterday I was still thinking that I would bash it with gusto. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol "The first night you hear him. The second night you see him. The third night he finds you." As one of the most divisive horror films (in terms of ratings) in recent memory, The Empty Man is behind me, and I'm actually not surprised. A perfect demonstration of two things: that it is possible to combine themes that no one would think of combining, and at the same time that it is not that easy, because it seems they have bitten off more than they could chew not everything fits in the end as they would have originally wanted. The film starts with an excellent opening, and as it progresses it deftly moves through the horror of a childhood legend to the occult, Nietzschean nihilism and the final existential horror, and unexpectedly managed to hold my attention throughout the entire runtime without me looking at my watch. The film's catharsis and the audience's orgasm would then be a final denouement that would ground us all, only that's certainly not the case here, and the result leaves room for questions, but perhaps too many. So much so that the ending is interpreted by each viewer in their own way and even the "explained" videos don't agree on anything, so the question is what is the right explanation. Well, who knows, anyway, from a genre and technical point of view the film is perfectly handled, it manages to captivate, scare and lure, but then the ending comes and you simply don’t know how to actually conclude the film. It's hard to describe, a film everyone should see for themselves, because on the one hand I want to cheer in my head how fantastic The Empty Man is, on the other hand I simultaneously feel like I didn't really get anything thanks to the ending. But it will definitely stick in my mind for a long time... ()

Galéria (16)