Kő, papír, olló


Jesus és Maria José testvérek, akik nemrégiben elhunyt édesapjuk házában élnek. Megszokott mindennapi rutinjuk felborul, amikor megérkezik Magdalena, apai féltestvérük Spanyolországból. Sok év eltelt azóta, hogy találkozott volna testvéreivel, ám most eljött, hogy követelje az apjától örökölt ház rá eső részét. Ám a testvérek nem akarják eladni a házat, és gonosz játékba kezdenek vele, amiben egy idő után nehéz eldönteni, kinek van köve, kinek van papírja és kinek ollója. (Cinemax)


Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A potentially interesting premise that could have been a psychological variation on Funny Games, but instead we got a boring intimate film without a shred of invention or anything interesting or shocking. The film is only 80 minutes long, but since it takes place in one house with three characters and nothing much happens, it makes you feel like it's two hours long. The ordinary life of two siblings is disrupted by the arrival of their half-sister who demands a share of the inheritance from their recently deceased father. The siblings don't like this and start playing mischievous games. It sounded interesting and maybe if the Spaniards were behind it, they could make an engaging, suspenseful and gripping thriller, but in its from Argentina and it didn't grab me at all. Occasionally there was some interesting dialogue and the atmosphere was slightly claustrophobic, but I couldn't get into it. A fan of cheap conversational flicks might find a taste for this. Story 3/5, Action 1/5, Humour 0/5, Violence 1/5, Fun 2/5 Music 2/5, Visuals 2/5, Atmosphere 3/5, Suspense 2/5, Emotion 2/5, Actors 2/5. 4/10. ()

Galéria (7)