Bagger Vance legendája

  • Egyesült Államok The Legend of Bagger Vance


Savannah, Georgia állam, az 1930-as évek nagy világválsága után: Rannulph Junuh (Matt Damon) a környék legjobb golfozója. Szerencsés fickó, hiszen barátnője a város leggazdagabb polgárának lánya. A leendő apósé a legszebb golfpálya. Közbeszól az első világháború: Rannulph-ot elviszik katonának Európába. Egyedüli túlélője egy véres missziónak, de otthon halottnak vélik és lassan elfelejtik. Tizenöt év múlva visszatér városába. Emlékezetkiesésben szenved, ráadásul züllött életmódot él. Egykori apósjelölte öngyilkos lett, szerelme pedig a hitelezők elől próbálja megmenteni a családi vagyont, közte a golfpályát. Hirtelen ötlettől vezérelve a hölgy pénzdíjas golftornát hirdet, a leghíresebb golfozókat a városba csábítva. Néhányan emlékeznek még a csavargóra, aki istenien golfozott. A titokzatos életművész, Bagger Vance (Will Smith) a fejébe veszi, hogy újra klasszist farag a lecsúszott bajnokból. Persze csak ha Rannulph rájön, mi is az a golf. (InterCom)


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Recenziók (2)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol First-class sugar candy. Redford has the advantage that even when he makes a sports film full of clichés, overblown idealism and simple, easy to grasp expressions slipping into sentimentality in every other wave, it can't be called shit. It may be due to his maturity or his sense and smarts as a filmmaker, but he does it in such a nonchalantly old-school way that even though this film is basically a trivial story about nothing, it's nice to watch and every now and then you find yourself in the metaphorical parallels that Will Smith is spilling out with a grin from ear to ear. Charlize Theron in one of her best and most charismatic roles. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Robert Redford as a director is still a small-big unknown for me. Nevertheless, in The Legend of Bagger Vance, we can find a few moments and things that prove that Redford is not only an excellent actor but also that the film is narratively simple. For some, it may be too simple and, above all, incredibly pathetic. Few directors could transform a script that is overstuffed with genre clichés and pathos into a film that is not only watchable and digestible but can be watched several times. In the opening, the audience is presented with a World War I battle scene, which Redford somewhat mishandles. To his credit, he didn't drag it on even for a minute longer, probably aware that a huge fireworks display and slow panning of the camera across a field filled with the dead wouldn't be sufficient to capture the war atmosphere. He tries even harder in the golf tournament, where the actors also get their relevant space. The breathtaking role was given to Will Smith, who played it to perfection. His musings on life, golf, and how they are all connected make him a humorous (but not comedic!!!) character. I don't think Matt Damon is even capable of acting badly. From a broken man burdened by life to glimpses of hope in his eyes, the portrayal of regaining lost self-confidence is performed with direct simplicity and without unnecessary redundancy. Charlize Theron once again enjoys the role of a beauty, but this time elevated to the level of a player in the financial field. I can't help but say she did a good job again. Whatever you may think of any part of The Legend of Bagger Vance, you can't help but acknowledge that as a whole, this film was a great success. Hats off and compliments, Robert! ()


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