A mi fiaink

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A Hamasz terrorszervezet milicistái 2014 nyarán elraboltak és meggyilkoltak három zsidó tinédzsert. Egész Izrael megdöbbent, az értelmetlen gyilkosság megrázta és feldühítette az embereket. Két nappal később egy kelet-jeruzsálemi palesztin fiú égett testére bukkantak a város nyugati szélén lévő erdőben. Simon, a belbiztonsági szolgálat belső terrorosztályának ügynöke vizsgálja az ügyet. A sorozat az Izrael és a Hamasz terrorszervezet közötti háború kitöréséhez vezető igaz eseményeken alapul. (HBO Europe)


Felhasználói recenzió Necrotongue ehhez a sorozathoz (11)

A mi fiaink (2019) 

angol I have really mixed feelings about this series. On the one hand, it was a great insight into the Palestinian-Israeli relations with all the manipulations and political pressures that show how human life doesn't matter; on the other, the creators probably suffered from Alzheimer's because in some episodes they lost track of the previous story, and the result was a bit odd, to put it mildly. 4*- ()

Chapter 1: Out of the Depth, I Cry to You (2019) (E01) 

angol The pilot episode could not surprise me in any way with its setting, as the series Fauda took care of that already, so it mainly reaffirmed my strong belief that religion is a terrible mess - regardless of denomination. It wasn't bad for a start, but it wasn't amazing either, so for me it's currently a slight above-average. ()

Chapter 2: I Love Toto (2019) (E02) 

angol The second episode was a significant improvement over the first one. I found the story development much more engaging, and I appreciated the increase in pace. ()

Chapter 3: Two Packs of Red Next (2019) (E03) 

angol The third episode impressed me less than the second one but more than the first one. If the remaining parts were at least in this quality, we could talk about a very decent standard, so I hope the creators maintained it. Israel and Palestine must be wonderful places to live; as if mutual disputes were not enough, there is also the oppression of one's family, religion, and so on... ()


Chapter 4: The Dawn Martyr (2019) (E04) 

angol In rating the fourth episode, I initially leaned toward four stars, but the martyr's funeral compelled me to grant it a fifth. Watching the crowd run to the corpse left me utterly captivated; I half-expected them to tear the martyr apart for holy relics, reminiscent of certain Christian practices. Though it didn't unfold as anticipated, it was quite a show. ()

Chapter 5: Shabbat Shalom (2019) (E05) 

angol I could only rate the seventh episode with a better grade if I had some interest in the Jewish religion. In this way, I could only despairingly shake my head at some matters and I was once again grateful that I experienced childhood and adult life in a significantly less dusty environment than the characters in the series. ()

Chapter 6: Acceptance of Silence (2019) (E06) 

angol More disappointed expectations. I can safely tell when an episode becomes somewhat problematic. It's at the moment when I start getting bored, and it happened to me several times during this episode. The story dragged on like a week before payday (pension), with the added bonus of a broken leg. 3* ()

Chapter 7: Judging by its End (2019) (E07) 

angol Despite a series of missteps, including a glaring issue with the mobile phone, this episode managed to elevate the overall rating after two weaker episodes. Surprisingly, I found myself engaged throughout the reconstruction, prompting me to give it a solid four stars. ()

Chapter 8: Defendants 2 and 3 (2019) (E08) 

angol If it weren't for the things that JitkaCardova already discussed before me, I would easily go with a four-star rating, but those issues in the script really bothered me a lot. At times, I even had a feeling that I must have missed one or two episodes because the creators managed to confuse me perfectly. ()

Chapter 9: The Perfumer and the Tanner (2019) (E09) 

angol The plot kept me thoroughly engaged; boredom was simply out of the question. Once again, the creators reinforced my perspective on religion. The priest, rabbi, imam — they all seem like cunning tricksters who are just manipulating the trusting masses. ()

Chapter 10: A Shaft Into a Dark Tunnel (2019) (E10) 

angol The previous episode set my expectations soaring, leaving me eager for a spectacular finale. However, after watching the last episode, I can't shake the feeling of disappointment. It's like I've been shortchanged. Once again, there were numerous inconsistencies (that trip to Turkey was the final straw). What I appreciated was the reveal of suspect number one and his true appearance. ()