Peninsula: Holtak szigete

  • Dél-Korea Peninsula (több)
Előzetes 1


Négy évvel ezelőtt tanúi lehettünk, ahogy túlélők egy csoportja az életben maradásért küzd egy busani járaton. A kór, amitől a holtak feltámadnak és emberekre vadásznak tovább terjedt és teljesen átalakította a világ társadalmi berendezkedését. Jung-seok, aki a járvány kitörésekor elvesztette családját, különleges megbízást kap. Vissza kell térnie a karantén alá vont koreai félszigetre, hogy felkutasson egy teherautót, ami meg van pakolva élelmiszerrel, valamint több millió dollárral. (ADS Service)


Recenziók (3)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Train to Busan was a big hit in 2016, even people who don't watch South Korean cinema saw it, so there were high hopes for the sequel. It's different and judging by the trailer I was expecting a bigger experience, but it's not a dud that deserves 48 %. For one thing, most people have seen a shitty Cam Rip, where even the best movie would look like crap, and getting upset about the fact that the sequel doesn't take place on a train anymore is also unwarranted. The sequel only carries the title from the first, but it takes place in the same world four years after the events of the first film. One problem I see is that the sequel lacks the originality of the first film and and also lacks familiar acting faces. The first one was brimming with them and it's not easy to replace the charisma of Ma Dong-seok or Gong Yoo. I also felt that the Koreans skimped here, and visually the film looks artificial and the green screen is too blatant. But it's still fine entertainment that's a combination of Mad Max and World War Z, and since I can like post-apocalyptic films, I can forgive this one for a few things. It has a fast pace and I liked that the surviving humans are already more or less looting freaks holding gladiator fights for fun. The action is shot decently, the make-up effects are cool, and the film manages to mine tension at times, but not to the extent of the first one. It's a shame that they skimped on the gore and that there's a distinct lack of memorable scenes, but for one viewing I don't think it’s something that would outright offend. Story***, Action***, Humor>No, Violence**, Entertainment****, Music***, Visuals***, Atmosphere***, Suspense***. 6/10. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Semmi köze sincs az eredetihez. Poszt-apokaliptikus zombivárosba való utazás koncepciója és a sötét szűrők sokat ígérnek, a karakterek és szereposztásuk is jó. De elbukik a túlságosan digitális és irreálisan felgyorsított akciójeleneteken, mint egy videojátékból, a logikai képtelenségeken és a szappanoperához hasonló ultra-szentimentális befejezésen, ami mindenképpen két csillagra csökkenti a zavart érzéseket. A hajón kellett volna maradniuk, és játszani a környezetével, amely teret adott volna más ötleteknek is, amelyekre a vonatos Vonat Busanba – Zombi expressz című film is épült. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A sequel that the creators should have skipped. The first film ended brilliantly; it entertained with excellent characters (Ma Dong-seok was clearly the standout), interesting scenarios, and surprising twists. Although the trailers for the second film promised more bombastic action, I knew it wouldn’t end well. And it didn’t. The main protagonist is still among the better characters, but the rest didn't interest me at all; their fates were completely irrelevant to me. The masks were still good, but it’s disappointing that the South Koreans decided to base the film on digital car chases, with the artificiality glaringly evident at every turn. Did they really think that was a good idea? Sad. There are a few refreshing genre moments (like the gladiator fight with the undead), but the poorly executed CGI throughout ultimately broke the film. And the emotional manipulation at the end—once again, the Koreans outdid themselves. It’s probably best to forget this film and remember only the 2016 original, which truly deserves praise. I give it two stars. 50%. ()