
Dél-Amerikában járunk, ahol egy terroristák által szervezett puccs következtében az ország az összeomlás szélére kerül. Az idealista rendőr, Agustin Rejas (Javier Bardem) azt a feladatot kapja, hogy kerítse kézre az akciót szervező, Ezequiel nevű gerillát. Rejas - aki korábban ügyvédként dolgozott - korrupt feletteseivel ellentétben hisz a törvény szavában, életét arra tette fel, hogy harcoljon az igazságtalanság ellen. Éjt nappallá téve üldözi a gerillavezért, nyomon követve a merényleteket, amelyeket az anarchista a jelenlegi hatalom elleni harca során hajt végre. Mikor Ezequiel támadásaira a rendőrség hasonló kegyetlenséggel lép fel, az országban valósággal kitör a tömeghisztéria. A káosz közepén Rejas egyetlen támasza és bizalmasa lánya gyönyörű balett tanárnője, Yolanda (Laura Morante), akiről azonban hamarosan kiderül, hogy többet tud a forradalmárról, mint állítja. (Budapest Film)


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angol In several reviews, objections regarding the credibility of the screenplay are raised. That supposedly Maoism and terrorism, as presented in the South American context, are completely different, that the whole story is fabricated, etc. The reality is that even though the creators did not aim for an artistic reconstruction like The Baader Meinhof Complex, they relied upon remarkable accuracy on real events that took place in Peru during the rule of the corrupt president and dictator Fujimori when the country was devastated by a civil war led by the terrorist organization Sendero Luminoso - the Shining Path. At its forefront was Professor Abimael Guzmán, who is embodied in the film by the character Ezequiel. He, along with many others from the local "cultural front," was discovered in the apartment of a famous dancer and artist, when it became apparent that a whole range of people supported the Shining Path. The screenwriter essentially added a romantic storyline and the character of a detective, who represents the police team confronting the terrorist organization. The Dancer Upstairs is an interesting psychological crime drama that nicely captures the absurdity of the events of that time, including the operetta-like details. Naturally, this topic will resonate more in the country where the described events took place because the experiences from the civil war continue to influence the atmosphere in Peruvian society. The cherry on top is Javier Bardem's charismatic performance in the lead role. Overall impression: 90%. ()