Évad(2) / Epizódok(11)


A krimisorozat csodálatosan adja vissza a viktoriánus Anglia egyedi hangulatát, London ködös, gázlámpás utcáival, korhű jelmezekkel. Az alkotók a lehetőségekhez képest hűek maradtak Conan Doyle eredeti alkotásához. S mindennek megkoronázása Jeremy Brett zseniális alakítása, hiszen Brett nem olyan, mint Holmes, hanem ő maga Sherlock Holmes. (Sorozat+)


Felhasználói recenzió D.Moore ehhez a sorozathoz (10)

Az üres ház (1986) (S01E01) 

angol Holmes is back... And unlike, for example, the Russian adaptation of this story, it's great that there is no long wait, and when there is a wait, the wait doesn't matter, because Watson pulls it off on his own. The reunion is touching, the joy of both heroes is palpable, and I wouldn't have noticed that the doctor is played by another actor if I hadn't known it in advance. ()

Gyilkosság az Abbey Grange-ban (1986) (S01E02) 

angol Well, yes, perhaps every viewer will soon see that "it was different". But how? That's for Sherlock Holmes to figure out. ()

A Musgrave rítus (1986) (S01E03) 

angol This case has everything: a mysterious manor, the enigmatic past of its inhabitants, a very ugly death, a treasure, love… And, of course, an initially gloomy and grumpy Holmes, who, after a wonderfully manic phase on drugs, becomes that dogged, obviously having fun detective-cum-consultant again. ()

A másik vérfolt (1986) (S01E04) 

angol Another superb episode. Holmes's infectious enthusiasm for the case, played so perfectly by Jeremy Brett, is a must-see. ()


A ferde szájú férfi (1986) (S01E05) 

angol What I like about the Sherlock Holmes stories is that even the ones that don't have a completely surprising ending have a compelling point, and in The Man with the Twisted Lip is such a human one. On top of that, Holmes and Watson are great from the beginning of the episode to the end. ()

Szökés az internátusból (1986) (S01E06) 

angol One of the most exciting episodes so far, fiendish pace from start to finish. ()

A hat Napóleon (1986) (S01E07) 

angol A bit of a messy episode with an overly rushed conclusion, but the way Holmes performs in front of Watson and Lestrade is brilliant. I laughed from the bottom of my heart, maybe this time the creators didn't care about anything else. ()

Az ördög patája (1988) (S02E01) 

angol In this episode, Jeremy Brett is simply incredible - his performance cannot be described in any other way. He changes so many positions from bitter to 100% deranged... Of course, Edward Hardwicke plays an equally important role, without whose believable care it could not have been the same. The Devil's Foot is one of my favorite cases, and its adaptation certainly did not disappoint me. ()

Ezüstcsillag (1988) (S02E02) 

angol A bit of a rushed case at first, but in the end all the criticisms go away when Holmes decides to gloat on the man who's been thumbing his nose at him, and when he cashes in his race winnings with a huge smile. ()

San Pedro tigrise (1988) (S02E03) 

angol This case is so full of strange people that Sherlock Holmes is the most normal of them. I liked the gentlemanly appreciation with which he (finally) acknowledged the work of Inspector Baynes, who also had his ear to the ground. ()