

A nem is olyan távoli jövőben a világ látszólag semmiben sem különbözik attól, amelyben napjainkban élünk, ám éjszakára az utcák elnéptelenednek, és szigorú kijárási tilalom lép életbe. Mindez azért van, hogy megvédje a lakosságot a vírustól, ami megfertőzte az országot. A gyilkos éjszakai autóverseny lehetőséget biztosít a résztvevőknek, hogy elkerüljék a kijárási tilalmat, reményt, bátorságot és önbizalmat ad számukra. Huszonöt csapat indul a Londontól Skóciáig tartó veszélyes útra. (HBO Europe)


Felhasználói recenzió Necrotongue ehhez a sorozathoz (9)

Kijárási tilalom (2019) 

angol To be honest, I probably would have been excited about this series in my pre-adolescent years. My current (and therefore very shabby) self could not quite enjoy this mess, in which the screenwriters went ahead of their own thoughts, brutally and bloodily put an end to logic, jumping from topic to topic with the elegance of a crippled ballet dancer. The screenwriters weren't tremendously inventive either and didn't hesitate to look for ideas elsewhere, so the only thing that I found amusing was the frequent unintentional humor, which is pretty weak for an eight-part series. ()

Episode 1 (2019) (E01) 

angol The pilot episode left me underwhelmed. What irked me the most was the abundance of hints without any substantial payoff — I felt like I hardly learned anything. However, I'm not throwing in the towel just yet. ()

Episode 2 (2019) (E02) 

angol Either there's something wrong with the series, or I just don't quite fit into its intended audience. While the plot and characters have some semblance of structure, everything else feels somewhat hollow to me. That said, Roadkill did seem like it could offer some enjoyment, at least for a little while... The main upside for me thus far is the runtime, which thankfully clocks in at nearly twenty minutes shorter than the advertised hour. ()

Episode 3 (2019) (E03) Boo!

angol The series seems to be treading a familiar path that many others have ventured down before. Still, I must admit, it's quite remarkable how teams 11 and 21 navigated their way across the only usable bridge thanks to their unique plan. But how did everyone else get there? Except for Sean Bean — I saw him, of course :-) However, the tension was abruptly cut short by the heroic showdown with the pregnant Terminator and the futile attempt at logic to salvage lives in the tunnel. P.S. They killed Kenny! You bastards! ()


Episode 4 (2019) (E04) 

angol One star goes to Dr. Jones's team who truly managed to amuse me. It was a pleasant surprise, as I hadn't expected much from the series at this point. While I understand now how "mooks" are made, and I filled in the blanks, I'm still left pondering over the ever-multiplying Terminators and who's pulling the strings behind their production. ()

Episode 5 (2019) (E05) Boo!

angol With three screenwriters behind the series, it's no surprise that it feels disjointed at times. It's as if each of them wrote their segment of the episode and then hastily stitched it all together. The resemblance to The Walking Dead is uncanny. Unfortunately, it reminds me of its later seasons that were just terrible... ()

Episode 6 (2019) (E06) Boo!

angol I've got to hand it to this farce — it really managed to mess with my head. I'm torn between whether I should be shedding tears or still chuckling. Many seem to have forgotten the race's original purpose, yet they're determined to push forward. But why? Are the others going to wait for them to catch up? The episode had two standout moments for me. The first was the "deadlock" debacle in the factory, where I couldn't help but wonder if the creative team got high like Dr. Jones' crew (whose dance provided the sole bright spot in the episode). Such absurdity is a rarity indeed. The second moment was the attempt to halt the armored delivery truck. When a bazooka falls short, they resort to pistols (do you sense the slight imbalance here?), and I wouldn't be surprised if they pulled out a can opener next if the car hadn't driven away. ()

Episode 7 (2019) (E07) 

angol The episode delving into the origins of it all managed to hook me in. I would've bumped up the rating even further if the concept had been more original. But a virus turning people into zombies and messing with their dietary preferences? It's a trope I've encountered before, and hey, I've even played it. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy revisiting Resident Evil from time to time. ()

Episode 8 (2019) (E08) Boo!

angol Once again, in the final episode, logic took a back seat to whatever convenient plot devices were lying around. It was painfully obvious, especially in moments when characters couldn't make a sound for fear of attracting monsters. What about the constant engine noise? And threatening to shoot the only person capable of helping with the birth? A great move. Who knows, maybe next time we'll hear something like: "Watch out! I've got a saw here, and if you don't comply, I'll cut the branch under me!" Well, unless that's already been done somewhere... ()