Monster Hunter – Szörnybirodalom

  • Németország Monster Hunter (több)
Előzetes 2
Németország / Egyesült Államok / Japán / Kína / Dél-afrikai Köztársaság / Kanada, 2020, 103 perc


Artemis hadnagy (Milla Jovovich) és emberei egy távoli bolygóra kerülnek – és az új világ régi lakói nem fogadják őket szeretettel. A hatalmas, elképesztő erejű, meghökkentő harci technikákkal felszerelt szörnyek kérdés nélkül, azonnal végezni akarnak látszólag védtelen ellenfeleikkel. Ám az emberek kis csapata nem adja fel könnyen. Életben akarnak maradni, bármi áron. És minél többen halnak meg közülük, annál elszántabban harcolnak tovább a kiismerhetetlen terepen. Egyetlen céljuk maradt: a túlélés. (InterCom)


Recenziók (12)



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angol Milla Jovovich and Paul W.S. Anderson may be done with Resident Evil and zombies, but their Monster Hunter is more or less the same thing. Only there are dragons and dinosaurs, but otherwise this duo once again serves up solid action wrapped in a very contrived and uninteresting story with characters you'll be glad you remembered their name. Unfortunately, the decent action loses out on points to an uninteresting story and boring characters. But perhaps that's all one can expect from Anderson. ()


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magyar Ron Perlman haja és sminkje a nyitójelenetben is már arra utal, hogy miről is van itt szó. De aztán a filmben minden csak jobb lesz. Egy videojátékos ultra baromság egy teljesen primitív cselekménnyel, de annál inkább bevallott guilty pleasure jelleggel, amely szórakoztató. Mármint kifejezetten száraz humorral is, ami itt jobban megnevetett, mint a legtöbb erőltetett vígjátékban. És olyan vizuális effektekkel, amelyekkel kevés A-kategóriás hollywoodi produkció büszkélkedhet (előétel a Godzilla Kong ellen) című filmhez. Egyébként persze Paul W.S mindent lenyúlt, amit csak lehetett, A bolygó neve: Halál, a Dűne (illetve Transformers vagy Star Wars) és A Gyűrűk Ura - A Gyűrű Szövetsége filmből is, de néha olyan szemérmetlenül (egy csapat harcos megy át egy kőhídon egy égő lávával borított pokoli hegyre), hogy ez inkább a szeretetnyilvánítása annak, amit szeret, mint a kreatív tanácstalanság. Maguk a szörnyek viszont fényűzőek, és az akciók vizuális dinamikája kidolgozott. És rengeteg van belőlük. Egyik verekedés a másik után. Plusz szép helyszínek. Mégis, a harmadik csillagomat fenntartással kell venni, a tökös hangzásért adom. Az alattam lakó szomszédom nyaral, ezért a nappaliban az Atmos full mélynyomóval megy. És a film mellett majdnem elélveztem. ()


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angol The coronavirus has made me miss a lot of things, but mindless CGI blockbusters like this is certainly not one of them. It can hardly be considered a movie, Paul W.S. Anderson has stopped making them, now he makes expensive long videos where his wife can play the action heroine, that’s the only reason why Monster Hunter exists. Seeing Ton Jaa and Ron Pearlman contributing to this in their less than dignified roles is just sad. ()


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angol I'm satisfied. I got what the trailer promised. An hour and a half long epic battle between Milla Jovovich, Tony Jaa and monsters. There is action from start to finish, the visuals are awesome, the soundtrack is intense, the monsters look great (quite possibly the best dragon on screen ever), and there are two badass scenes (the spiders!). I didn't miss a more interesting story that would have slowed down the pace. Dramas come out ten a week, but such an epic monster slaughter comes out only once a year and I definitely find this more enjoyable to watch than self-absorbed arthouse crap. Maybe switching the desert location for a jungle wouldn't have been a bad idea, but otherwise I really don't know what else an adaptation of a game that's about nothing but action and monsters has to offer; the film certainly doesn't disappoint in that regard, and to only have 12 percent more than the ultra cheap shit Sharknado is absolutely laughable. Anyone who likes monsters, action and likes to have fun at the movies can't be disappointed. Story**, Action****, Humor** Violence**, Funniness****, Music****, Visuals*****, Atmosphere****, Suspense***. 7.5/10. ()


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angol The biggest gadgeteer of genre cinema has again come up with a delightfully childish and ostentatiously formalistic flick. Anderson’s films can evoke the innocent amusement and wonder that we experienced in childhood when we first encountered genre spectacle. However, that does not mean that he works with nostalgia. On the contrary, his work – in terms of overall style and the formalistic treatment of individual sequences and shots – reaches a level of avant-garde that goes beyond most conventionally staid Hollywood blockbusters. Whereas those are childishly immature in their flattery of fans, would-be seriousness and false depth, Anderson remains idiosyncratically childlike and playful. Grouches will always look condescendingly down their noses at his films, but they will also never see the true delight in his movies. Monster Hunter is a typically pure action fantasy in Anderson’s style, where straightforwardness, spectacle and unrealism become superlatives. As is typical of the master, part of the joy is how Anderson works with video-game elements and finds formalistic and narrative equivalents for them, and how Mila Jovovich perfectly personifies the ethos of his films. In comparison with his previous projects, we also see gratifying progress in the merging of physical and digital attractions, which confirms the fact that Anderson reflects contemporary trends while also forging his own path in the cinema of spectacle. ()


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angol Quite entertaining hogwash with a nicely OTT finale. The monsters look really great, the action is easy to follow and is a dream come true for little fans of fantasy who love dragons and dinosaurs. Anderson is a B-movie director to a T and he gets great joy out of making this sort of thing with Mila. It’s interesting to see how they steal things from the "Dark Tower" saga by Stephen King (the parallel worlds, and the Tower that unites them; come on, now - give it a rest!). It’s dumb as anything, Ron Perlman has awful hair, the relationship between the heroine and Tony Jaa is really shaky, but it’s bearable.  It isn’t so much about people anyhow. ()


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angol Despite Ron Perlman's hairstyle and Paul W.S. Anderson's reputation, it’s not bad! I believed in Milla Jovovich more than when she is among zombies, the action scenes were great, I have nothing to complain about in terms of the special effects, and I was pleasantly surprised by the number of monsters. The biggest weakness of the film, however, is that it was obviously created mainly so that another part could be made, because a lot of things would remain unresolved, and although I enjoyed the desert-like, literally horrible stay, in the end I just had to ask: What was it all for? I wouldn't think I'd write this after a Resident Evil mess, but this time I will - I'd quite like Anderson to make a sequel. ()


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angol As awful as it can be. I should probably admire the reluctant development of a cinematic (and purely blockbuster) speech that rejects action set-pieces, but everything in it is so laughable. There isn’t a hint of a story, there characters are bland and have shallow to stupid interactions, the pace goes from frantic to boring and, on top of that, it has the most ramshackle concept of a dual fictional world cinema has ever seen. As a bizarre showcase of every possible source of inspiration (mainly video games, of course) and timeless narrative tropes, it is certainly unique, but as a well crafted fantasy adventure the only thing worthy in it are the decent visuals. An incredibly shabby and unfocused film that has seen no equal in its weight category. 25% ()


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angol Monster Hunter offers a decent show from the audiovisual point of view with nice locations and generally good and imaginative looking monsters, but the script it's not such a hit parade, which is to be expected considering the director. I've never played the game, so I can't judge to what extent the film sticks to the source material, but plot-wise it felt like a patchwork of other stories: Tremors, Journey to the Center of the Earth, Jurassic Attacks (or a light version of Jurassic Park), Riddick, King Kong and 300, and I'm sure there would be other bits and pieces. The "cat" character went completely beyond my comprehension, but whatever. For one viewing with your brain turned off, Monster Hunter is an ideal and unpretentious choice for an evening. Sort of. ()


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angol What could I have expected? Paul W.S. Anderson and his significant other once again decided to make a film where the main heroine is the badass Jovovich, who takes down all the monsters that stand in her way. If this concept sounds familiar, yes, Resident Evil was built on a similar premise, except for one thing (swap "monsters" for "zombies"). To be fair, the film can be quite entertaining at times and the visuals aren’t among the worst (the monsters surprisingly look decent, and the CGI is acceptable), but the story, oh, the story. Within a few training sessions with Tony Jaa, the marine captain transforms into an invincible fighter who isn’t intimidated by monsters as tall as skyscrapers (like... what?). Ron Perlman must have mixed up his casting, as his presence felt out of place (why does he need this?). The ending with the army is probably the best part, along with the spider nest (this spider scene reminded me of Anderson’s early directing days, when he made Event Horizon, which at least had some atmosphere). It’s truly the most average entertainment you can choose to watch. For me, it’s 5/10. P.S. After watching the film, I definitely don’t want to try the game :D ()


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angol A real washout, unfortunately not in a good way. From the narrative techniques, to the portrayal of the characters, to the technical execution, it's average at best, in objective terms more like below average. Milla Jovovich is likewise bland and flat in her performance like in Resident Evil; here, unfortunately, it's a lot of severed limbs worse. I felt a slight glimmer of hope at the beginning, when it started out as a military survival film (though the dialogue awfully grated on the ears), but after the transition into the "fantasy world" there wasn't really much to praise about it. That is to say, nothing at all. [30%] ()