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Előzetes 3


Matvey úgy dönt, hogy megöli a barátnője apját. Kalapáccsal a kezében érkezik Olya apjának házába, hogy megtorolja a gyermekbántalmazást, amelynek egykor a barátnője volt a szenvedő alanya. Amit Matvey nem vesz figyelembe, az az, hogy Andrei történetesen egy kemény és korrupt rendőr, aki egyáltalán nem hagyja magát olyan könnyen a padlóba döngölni. Mindent bevetnek, hogy a másik fölé kerekedjenek, de igencsak kétséges, hogy lesz-e egyáltalán valaki, aki életben hagyja el a lakást. (Cinemax)


Videók (3)

Előzetes 3

Recenziók (7)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Ígéretes tempójú verekedős/véres film két vagányról egy nappaliban, amely egyszerre szórakoztat vagány látványvilággal és humoros túlzásokkal. Ahogy azonban fokozatosan feltárulnak a heves konfliktus okai, és két újabb szereplő lép be, a film eljut a fináléig, ahol elveszíti szuverenitását, és kissé megbicsaklik. A feltámadás és egyéb ostobaságok szembemennek azzal a fizikai valósággal, ami a legnagyobb dicsősége volt. [Sitges FF] ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The Russian Tarantino in a grotesque revenge ride that doesn't mess with anything. A girl asks her boyfriend to kill her father for childhood abuse and he takes a hammer and goes to settle the score, but he probably didn't count on her father being a cop and a big shot at that. It's almost an hour long duel between two men who cut each other with whatever is at hand, and not only is it fun, but the film is pretty uncompromising in terms of gore. The drill scene is definitely the craziest in the film, but even a shotgun blast is a treat for many an eye. For an intimate film, it's very entertaining, very brutal, packed with decent slow motion and there are some unexpected twists. Recommended. Story****, Action****, Humor***, Violence****, Entertainment****, Music****, Visuals***, Atmosphere****, Suspense***. 8/10: ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A brutal treat from Russia that should thrill anyone who loves a mix of raw violence, dark humor, and a bit of absurdity. The film almost entirely takes place in a single apartment with five characters, only venturing outside for flashbacks that nicely flesh out motivations and behaviors, crucial for understanding the main events. The inspiration from Tarantino and Ritchie is clear and works in the film's favor rather than against it. The impact of the depicted violence is heightened by the use of purely practical effects – a top-notch aspect of the film. I love films that don't take themselves too seriously yet manage to deliver top-notch entertainment without holding back. For me, this was a huge surprise. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This is a movie by director and screenwriter, Kirill Sokolov, who takes us on an excursion to the apartment of a typically corrupt Russian policeman’s family, where a young man knocks on the door with a hammer in his hand and a plan in his head, to please his cold-blooded girlfriend. However, events soon take a slightly different turn from what he had expected and his plans go awry. This is a well-produced black comedy which excels in innovative fight scenes, in which there is no shortage of twists and extreme action. However, outside of the action scenes, the movie loses dynamics, due to the characters usually delivering some comparatively ordinary dialogues that don't have much point to them and are not able to hold the audience’s attention. Nevertheless, this movie was quite a pleasant surprise. The time flew by, and I had a really fun experience watching this at a late-night showing. [Sitges 2019] ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A Russian take on the greatest film hits of Tarantino and the Coen brothers. I didn't expect much from it, but I was pleasantly surprised. In the opening minutes, it unfolds into a literally and figuratively crazy spectacle, with no shortage of shotguns and flying TVs. The detective father is, for me, the best-written character; I enjoyed his lines, and overall, he was great. The other characters felt somewhat sidelined, though I did find Yevgenovich and his entrance amusing. The dark humor, which is the main draw, works fairly well, with some scenes being quite funny (the whole situation with the police handcuffs was incredibly amusing). The ending is full of twists, but for me, they slightly overdid it with how many there were. So, all in all, I would definitely give the film a chance; it has something to offer, but don't expect anything extraordinary. For me, it's a 6.5/10. ()

Galéria (22)