
Lake Placid, azaz Szelíd-tó pokoli hellyé változik, amikor szörnyű beszámolók kezdenek keringeni egy emberevő krokodilról. A tulajdonosok még a turistaszezon előtt szeretnének a híresztelések végére járni, és egy csapatot bíznak meg az ügy tisztázására. Még hogy krokodil a hegyek között? A nagyvárosi paleontológusnőt, Kelly Scottot (Bridget Fonda) egy helybéli keményfiú, Jack Wells (Bill Pullman) segíti a rejtély megoldásában. Munkájukat azonban jelentősen akadályozza egy túlbuzgó állatbarát, aki betegesen szereti a krokodilokat. Az új veszély hamarosan felborítja a kisváros csendjét. (Best Hollywood)


Recenziók (4)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I have no doubt that this is good horror comedy/parody. Similarly to Arachnophobia, at first glance it looks like another addition to the monster-horror family, but it is mainly a sympathetically exaggerated affair with equally sympathetic characters, a script full of funny verbal shootouts... And in this case, also with one absolutely perfectly created crocodile (Stan Winston is/was Stan Winston), which creates the necessary suspenseful atmosphere. All in all, what bothered me most about Lake Placid was the reggae song at the end. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol "Jezero" is a classic film that you can watch basically anytime and it usually won't ruin your mood. It's not a great fun, I mean in the sense that you probably won't laugh much, but it won't bore you to death either, if this style of films doesn't bother you. I also have to mention that it has incredibly good effects, especially considering it was made around 1999, so it's not surprising that Stan Winston was involved in the film. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A movie that should have been made fifteen years earlier. It could have been at least a solid video cult-classic like Alligator, because this way it's just cliché-laden, boring stuff designed for the bottom shelves of video stores. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol All in all, a pretty average horror flick that would be a good fit on the shelves of video stores, but would only be a poor relative in cinemas. It follows the clichéd routine of some 1950s monster horror films (smart scientist, extravagant millionaire, good-looking policeman), so there are no genre surprises. Only the scenes with the crocodile are really memorable (feeding the cow and the grizzly as a snack rulez!), and there are a couple fo nice, properly bloody deaths, the rest is plot wadding and hammy humour. But it’s alright to watch once. ()

Galéria (11)