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Thirty years old and seriously overweight, Katya is distraught to discover that her boyfriend of six years has a wife (and two lovers on the side!) and that she has therefore been waiting in vain all this time for him to propose to her. Her friends suggest that she look for an eligible, rich foreigner on the internet, at the same time persuading her to lose weight, buy some nice clothes and make more of an effort with her appearance. This soon attracts the attentions of Ilya, a new colleague at work. They quickly become friends and, while Ilya would like to take their relationship further, Katya's friends think she could do better and convince her to set up a date with Lion, a successful American businessman, whom she met on the internet and who has just arrived in Moscow on a business trip. She initially introduces Lion as a friend, however, unbeknown to Katya, one of her friends has been making spiteful and unkind remarks about her to Ilya, and when, therefore, he starts to behave distantly towards her, a hurt Katya agrees to marry Lion on the rebound. Lion soon reveals his true colours – he is greedy, overbearing and unkind, but when he decides to return to America, Katya feels she has no choice but to go with him. Just before she is about to board the plane, Katya is stopped by a customs official whose attention has been caught by her necklace – a birthday present from Ilya, which turns out to be a priceless piece of gold jewellery filled with rubies and diamonds! Realising Ilya's true feelings for her, Katya returns home breathing a sigh of relief at her lucky escape. She can now leave Lion and marry Ilya, who had always been her true love anyway, and who has just been promoted to head of the company! (Star Media)


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