
Yolanda, az egykori gimnáziumi tanár most bárokban énekel, így tartja el fiatal, drogos szeretőjét. Ám a fiú túladagolásban meghal Yolanda lakásán, és a rendőrség az énekesnőt gyanúsítja, aki pénz és cél nélkül menekül. Utolsó mentsvára a Megalázott Megváltó Nővérek közössége, ez a furcsa apácarend, melyet nemrég alapított egy különc, gazdag arisztokrata. A nehéz anyagi helyzetben lévő rend befogadja a rászorulót, de ezzel Yolanda problémái még nem oldódtak meg... (MTV)


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angol If I didn't know the director's name, I would be convinced that this was a late film by Luis Buñuel, as it has the same choice of subject and directorial style. Pedro Almodóvar, like Buñuel, has a distinct relationship with the Catholic Church and its outdated dogmas, and the director shows the gradual erosion of the church community through the story of several nuns in a crumbling monastery and a singer who has compelling reasons to hide from the police, even in a monastic sanctuary. Party-loving nuns, a priest's romantic infatuation with one of the sisters, very worldly desires of women dressed in black habits, religious visions induced by LSD, and the imprint of a made-up beauty's face as a religious symbol reminiscent of a similar relic of Jesus Christ's image on a shroud all help create Almodóvar's entertaining journey into Catholic modernity. Interesting camera work, traditionally good casting, and impressive acting performances. Pop culture combined with religion creates an attractive and slightly provocative contrast. Overall impression: 80%. ()

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