
Nem volt még őrültebb, veszélyesebb és viccesebb antihős a képregényvilágban. De hogyan lett Jokerből Joker, a komor Batman örök ellensége és ellentéte? Ez a történet megmutatja, miképpen válhat egy ártatlan lúzerből világok felforgatója, hadseregek legyőzője és szuperhősök esélyes ellenfele. Nem kell hozzá sok – elég a gyilkos humor. (InterCom)


Recenziók (24)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A decent psychological drama about an incurable reprobate or the excellent comic origin story of an elusive and provocative bad guy. The latter contains everything that is most essential to revitalizing a classic comic book character – revision and updating. Daring to make the Wayne Family the most negative element we can without any major frills may seem to pander to current commercial demands reflecting contemporary class friction, but it's still a terribly radical step, because that’s the position Batman, as a pure symbol of the guardian elites who decide good and evil from a position of inherited position and wealth (thanks largely to Nolan's visions of a chaotic enemy coming from below), has maintained thus far. If, in the end, Joker does indeed launch a new Gotham universe, it'll be fun to watch the Batman get tossed to filmmakers who have more sympathy for radical incels than those who want to make decisions about them and stop their actions. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I was pleasantly surprised. I was expecting another one of those comic book-inspired films that have become one big boring blur to me, unlike similarly themed series. Instead, I got a decent drama starring the excellent Joaquin Phoenix, and because we cripples have to stand up for each other, I’m adding an extra star. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Probably the only movie I had a real problem to finish. Fantastic portrayal of one of the most terrifying villains of all time. All aspects of the story and its execution work perfectly. Joaquin gives a chilling performance. Precision work, but I'll probably never watch the film again. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I didn't experience very godly feelings with this film, but Todd Phillips wasn’t going for that in the slightest. In the purest sense of the word, Joker is a dirty, gritty, and very powerful film that doesn't worry too much about promoting violence. *SPOILER ALERT* If I were twenty years old and pissed off at the whole system, I'd probably take to the streets, too. *END SPOILER*. Phillips' Joker is a universal model of the boundless arrogance of the upper classes who regard Arthur Fleck and his ilk as inferior individuals. The demonic Joaquin Phoenix, in the least comic book portrayal of the Joker, then shows that the consequences of such arrogance and reckless superiority on the part of his "betters" can be pretty damn serious. Even if the film completely legitimizes the use of violence when a human being is treated as the ultimate non-entity, it still works very well on the level of a "journey into the depths of the Joker's soul", providing perhaps the deepest insight into the psyche of DC's ultimate bad guy to date. On the other hand, I'm glad the whole project stands apart from the comic book universe as a whole, because I can't imagine any connection or even a sequel, either within the DCEU or some "darker branch" of it. ()

Kapcsolódó hírek

Mangold Logan - Farkas filmje az MCU-kánon része

Mangold Logan - Farkas filmje az MCU-kánon része


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