
Egy középosztálybeli házaspár (Winston Duke és az Oscar-díjas Lupita Nyong'o), akik gyermekeikkel tengerparti nyaralójukba mennek pihenni, ám kisvártatva „sokkoló látogatók” toppannak be, és elszabadul a pokol. (UIP-Duna Film)

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magyar Lehetséges, hogy ezt a zseniális Tűnj el! film szerzője követte el?! Semmilyen szinten nem működő kísérlet egy horrorfilmre némi (talán filozófiai?!) felhanggal, ami technikailag hollywoodi csúcs, de tartalmát tekintve nevetséges és hihetetlen. Az ijesztőnek szánt jelenetek kínosak, már-már nevetségesek; a vagánynak szánt párbeszédek természetellenesek és ostobák. A történet rejtélyének kibogozásában van egyfajta kísérlet egy érdekes egzisztenciális aláfestésre, de kiderül, hogy ez is csak WTF badarság. Mintha Shyamalan reggeli eredetiségének szofisztikált hegedűjét vagy Stephen King tematikus sajátosságait akarták volna itt megszólaltatni, de a tehetség csak egy félhúros gyerek ukuleléhez volt elegendő. ()


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angol Jordan Peele is undoubtedly a huge talent, which he has shown not only in his comedy sketches, but also with his hit Get Out, and high hopes were pinned on Us, based on the amazing trailer and positive reactions from critics. In the end feelings are slightly mixed, the film will definitely once again divide audiences into two camps, similar to Mother or Hereditary. Mainstream viewers and teens can stay home, this is a much more challenging spectacle than it first appears and those expecting a classic home invasion, slasher or horror will be sorely disappointed. The biggest trump cards are definitely the actors, with Lupita Nyong'o giving an extraordinary double performance, the superb craftsmanship, the details, the camera shots, the visuals and the intense music (“I Got 5 on It” is played three times and is quite goosebump-inducing during the final scene), and the very disarming and effective twists and turns, which you may not understand right away, but the creativity cannot be denied. Us also works in terms of horror. The home invasion is filmed in a decently atmospheric manner and the slasher rampage is quite brutal, though unfortunately, there is no explicit gore. In places the film is underpinned by comedy interludes, which work for the most part. It's slightly disappointing that the film isn't downright creepy and there's a distinct lack of a memorable scene to talk about in the future. Many may also be bothered by the fact that some issues aren't put squarely on the table, and whether the whole thing even makes sense is also debatable. I will definitely give this a re-watch and even though I was expecting grittier and more dense stuff, I still have to admit that there hasn't been a horror film this original and creative in years. 80%. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol For the first three quarters, the second film of Jordan Peele gave me a “fuller” horror experience than his début Get Out. It has first-rate craftsmanship, a brilliant premise, excellent performances led by Lupita Nyongo, and the humour is better incorporated and not intruding. Us was about to get an enthusiastic five-star rating, especially with the social overlap about some kind of uprising of those less fortunate than us being very topical, but unfortunately, it derails by the end. The closing mythological explanation either shouldn’t have been there (so that the doubles worked on a purely allegorical level), or it should have been more bulletproof, because the way it’s presented makes you poke into several practical details of the working of the world of the doubles, which is a road to hell. And the very last twist is even more confusing. Immediately after the screening, I’m not sure whether it didn’t unintendedly make the film lose its meaning. At the same time, I’m looking forward to watching it again in the future and, already knowing the twists, see if it makes sense or not. In any case, Us does provide plenty of material for an “autopsy” and I’m sure it’ll remain in my head for awhile, which is appreciated. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An overly calculated and sure-footed Oscar-winning film that ticks off the likely situations to come, and they do come, including the pathetic ending. But the dialogues between Tony and Shirley are hilariously written, there's a great spark between them and I laughed my heart out at times. Viggo plays my peer, always eating like me, getting a pot belly like me, just cute. I'd like him to win an Oscar, more than Rami "look-at-my-brutal-attempt" Malek, and more than Ali, who to me is an actor of one expression. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I can´t shake the feeling that Peele originally intended it to be a pilot episode of Sterling's cult (and crucial for “peripheral" genres) The Twilight Zone, which will be soon reincarnated. And it would have made a fantastic pilot which would have proven that Peele can pay tributes to the models/originals, keep the spirit and ideas of the original and still make the movie up to date and specific in his unique manner. But it should have been a pilot with a 60-minute footage, not a two-hour movie. Even though Peele is such a good director and has really actors at hand, the essence is so high-quality (it works both as a relaxed genre movie and as a satire) and on top of that, he can take advantage of brilliant Abels and he is not afraid to use him properly, so you won´t be become bored of it, not for a moment. In fact, you will feel quite the opposite. However, I cannot get rid of the feeling that it is an “excellent short story but slightly worse feature film". ()

Galéria (48)