
Isildur újra találkozik egy régi ismerőssel. Arondir nehezen birkózik meg a változással. A Míriel elleni erők egyre erősödnek. Annatar tanácsot ad Celebrimbornak. (Prime Video)


The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Season Two, Episode Three: The Eagle and the Sceptre)

The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power (Season Two, Episode Three: The Eagle and the Sceptre)

Amazon Content Services

Kiadta: Amazon Content Services

Év: 2024

Ország: Egyesült Államok

Formátum: digital

Felvétel: 41:24

1. Shelob's Nest Bear McCreary 04:50
2. Numenorean Grief Bear McCreary 04:19
3. "Enter Damrod" - Jens Kidman Bear McCreary 00:57
4. Mithril For Rings Bear McCreary 04:14
5. The Road To Pelargir Bear McCreary 03:52
6. "Funeral Pyre And Reconciliation" - Raya Yarbrough Bear McCreary 04:31
7. Isildur And Estrid Bear McCreary 03:04
8. The Wild Men Bear McCreary 02:02
9. The Great Eagle And The Forging Bear McCreary 06:46
10. BONUS TRACKS: The Rings Of Power - Title Announcement Trailer Bear McCreary 01:05
11. The Rings Of Power - Season Two Overture Bear McCreary 01:26
12. The Rings Of Power - London Premiere Season One Fanfare Bear McCreary 04:18