
Az 1960-as és ’70-es években Amerikában virágzott a hippikultúra, és hatalmas igény mutatkozott a különböző drogokra. Ebből elsősorban a kolumbiai farmerek profitáltak, akik közül a legleleményesebbek marihuánatermelő és -terjesztő üzletemberekké nőtték ki magukat. A Guajira-félszigeten élő wayuu indián törzsi hagyományai szerint kéri meg a talpraesett Raphayet a fiatal Zaida kezét a nagy tiszteletben álló klánvezetőtől. Hogy a hozományt teljesíteni tudja, Raphayet forrófejű, törzsön kívüli barátjával társul, és együtt hamarosan mindent elérnek, amiről még álmodni sem mertek. A végtelen gazdagsággal együtt beáramló nyugati értékrend azonban nem csak a generációról generációra öröklődő tradíciókat mérgezi meg, hanem véres háborút szít a helyi családok között. (Mozinet)


Recenziók (3)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A decent artsy look at the formation of the first Colombian cartels. The cattle trade is gradually upgraded to the drug trade, sparking a power and money struggle between families. I wasn’t happy with the slower pace, but thankfully there is some decent action towards the end. Not a very entertaining film, but very interesting and informative. Those who like cartel movies should not miss it. 65%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A captivatingly family saga that takes place over two decades about the origin and demise of the first drug clans in Central America and the associated first gang wars. Great actors and their characters with precisely constructed natures are complemented by a number of engaging and special tribal traditions and rituals. A film about that fact that family honor has greater value than all wealth, which in the end only blinds and produces death. Each of the five chapters drag a bit in places, but the overall strong charge present in almost every scene clearly wins the audience over. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Intense crime drama, whose main building block is the clash of tribal traditions with the progress of time and whether family honor is more important than money and wealth. The film about the rise and fall of the first Colombian cartels slowly builds its story, gradually introduces us to the characters, and gains intensity. The story is divided into five chapters (plus an epilogue) and each chapter brings a significant plot development - it is always something crucial and never redundant. The characters gradually shape and evolve in line with the changing times, trying to manage it in a way that still corresponds to their traditions - which is not always possible. Overall, it is a very intellectually rich film with significant symbolism and a great concept. A shining example that even an artistic film can have a strong plot. Birds of Passage are on one hand great art and on the other hand easily captivate the average viewer. I would wish it a nomination for an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. ()