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Izraeli ügynökök 1960-ban vakmerő akciót hajtottak végre, hogy elfogják és bíróság elé állítsák Adolf Eichmann náci háborús bűnöst. Megtörtént események alapján. (Netflix)

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Előzetes 2

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az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar A művelet eredete és lefolyása túlságosan leegyszerűsített ahhoz képest, hogy mennyire komoly politikai-bűnügyi ügyről volt szó. Egyszerű abban az értelemben, hogy a karakterek ábrázolása megfelel a műfajnak és céltudatos, hogy a témából a közönség számára kedvenc filmet sikerüljön varázsolni. De nem igazán izgalmas, sem hátborzongató, pedig olyannak kellene lennie. Inkább formai simaságával és kellemes szereposztásával nyeri el a néző tetszését, mint lebilincselő drámai élménnyel. A film fénypontjai az Oscar Isaac és Ben Kingsley közötti bensőséges beszélgetések, mindketten jól játszanak, de egyikük sem hagy jelentős nyomot a nézőben. Mégis élveztem nézni, és vártam, hogy kiderüljön, lesz-e belőle valami merészebb és erőteljesebb. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The film tackles a well-worn subject, so it’s tough for the creators to bring anything new to the table. They tried adding fiction and suspense to give the familiar story a fresh twist, but for me, it didn’t quite work. I get that a subtitled movie might flop in the U.S., but the English dialogue felt out of place and affected the film’s authenticity. Another major issue for me was Ben Kingsley. I like him a lot and think he's a fantastic actor, but I just couldn’t buy him as Adolf Eichmann. He’s nailed roles like Mahatma Gandhi and Itzhak Stern, but Eichmann? Not so much. I would’ve preferred a different actor in this key role. On the plus side, at least they didn’t cast an Irish Heydrich — that would’ve been worse. Ultimately, the biggest letdown was that the film didn’t leave much of an impact. It just sort of breezed by, which is a shame because this daring Mossad operation deserved a more compelling portrayal. / Lesson learned: It’s great when trains run on schedule, but sometimes it’s worth thinking about where they’re actually heading. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Operation Finale ultimately surprised me. I expected a mediocre viewing experience that wouldn’t captivate me, and I was worried that the budget might be extremely low. But all those concerns faded over time. Essentially, it’s an intimate drama that portrays Adolf Eichmann, played by Ben Kingsley (and he does it superbly). And most importantly, Oscar Isaac plays the lead role. I’ve grown to greatly appreciate this actor over the past few years; he always delivers a convincing performance and exudes charm at every turn. Of course, I find it hard to believe that the operation unfolded exactly as depicted in the film; dramaturgically, a lot of things were probably added or adjusted to enhance the viewer's experience. But I’m not complaining... wherever the film could, it offered a tense atmosphere full of brilliant dialogue. It’s a rather unassuming movie that any film enthusiast should definitely not miss under any circumstances. I’d give it 80%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol If this substance got into Steven Spielberg's hands, it could have been a second Munich however, this doesn't mean Operation Finale is a bad film. Not at all. The story has something to say, it's very well shot and helps itself with great music by Alexander Desplat, and the acting cast is ruled by Ben Kingsley and Oscar Isaac, although the others - lesser known actors - are not bad at all, and they were fine in their small roles. We still need to be reminded of some things and this is a good reminder... whether they stick to the facts or not. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Adolf Eichmann seems to be an attractive topic for films, as I’ve already watched an eponymous movie about him. But I must say that this one is superior in terms of acting performances. Oscar Isaac, Ben Kingsley and Mélanie Laurent are a good casting incentive for you to watch a story of a monster whose brain was wired very differently from normal people, and make you think about what Eichmann said or did. He is comparable, in my opinion, for example to the person of Breivik. Plus, Ben Kingsley can add another period flick to his filmography. I’m bowing down before him. ()

Galéria (38)