Gegege no Kitaró

Reidžó: Ašiato no kai (E70)

  • Japán Reijou: Ashiato no Kai (több)
? %
Animációs / Fantasy / Horror / Vígjáték
Japán, 2019, 23 perc

Streaming (1)


On the mountains where no one can enter lives a god called Taitanbou-sama. The watchman of the mountains has the duty of going to the sacred rock every four days and praying that no one other than the villagers may enter the mountains. It is said that if the watchman ever shirks in this duty, a terrible curse will befall the village. The Agata family has served as watchmen, but Kenta, born into that family, tries to break the sacred rock in an attempt to escape his duty. He and his friends try to go into the mountains, but Kitaro and his father stop them. That night, undeterred, Kenta goes to try to break the stone again, but Kitaro appears and warns him of the curse. What is the truth Kitaro speaks of events from 13 years ago...?! (Crunchyroll)

