Sonic, a sündisznó

  • Egyesült Államok Sonic the Hedgehog (több)
Előzetes 5


Sonic, a sündisznó véletlenül hihetetlen erő birtokosa lesz, ami ő maga sem ért teljesen. A saját védelme érdekében a Földön rejtőzik el, és egyetlen szabályt kell betartania: nem szabad, hogy a világ tudomást szerezzen a létezéséről. Ám ez nem könnyű feladat egy 15 évesnek, főleg ha az a 15 éves Sonic képességeivel és habitusával van megáldva. Így aztán nem kell hozzá sok, hogy felfedezze őt Tom, a szarkasztikus, ám áldott jó szívű kisvárosi zsaru. Ők ketten összeállnak, és egy hihetetlenül akciódús kalandba keverednek, miközben átszelik a fél világot úgy, hogy üldözi őket a mániákus Dr. Robotnyik és robotszerkentyűi… (UIP-Duna Film)


Videók (12)

Előzetes 5

Recenziók (6)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Sonic the Hedgehog is better directed, more imaginative and has slightly more action than, for example, the live-action Garfield, Yogi Bear and Stuart Little, but otherwise I don’t see any significant difference. It’s definitely okay for fans of the video game and kids under the age of ten, but otherwise Sonic the Hedgehog is just a very mediocre family spectacle that in places goes a little too far in underestimating the viewer’s intelligence. The hyper-stylized Jim Carrey is fine just as long as he doesn’t slip over the edge into awkwardness. It’s remarkable how often the filmmakers use Sonic’s ability to run fast when it suits them for setting up a gag, but almost never when it would be appropriate in terms of practical solutions to the problematic situations in which the protagonists find themselves. It’s even more fortunate that the outcry from fans on the internet resulted in a new design of Sonic, because if they had stuck with the original one, we would have wound up with a new Howard the Duck. So maybe those fans at least went to see it at the cinema. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Entertaining, uncomplicated baloney based on a cartoon my sister and I used to watch on TV when we were kids. Sonic is great, the Donut Lord is also fine (even though it is obvious that Marsden had a problem speaking with nobody), but Carrey’s Robotnik is really classy. Jim’s escapades improve the movie slightly in my eyes. Sonic’s dance in the (EVIL) cabin, his yelling and contempt for people and basically everything apart from his drones (and now with COVID-19, Amazon will deliver even faster than we dreamed) are scenes worth watching more than once. "Do you think I’m an idiot? Of course I’ll have your latte. You make a great latte!" ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Yes, I too am glad that Sonic ultimately looks how he looks and not how he should have looked. However, the film's main trump card is not the blue digital hedgehog, but a completely non-digital and completely fabulous Jim Carrey. The rest of Sonic the Hedgehog certainly won't offend anyone (perhaps if I hadn't seen X-Men: Days of Future Past, that bar scene would have excited me and wouldn't seem stolen to me), but it's nothing spectacular, either. Buy you know who is spectacular? Jim Carrey. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Sonic the Hedgehog, the fastest creature in the universe, is hiding on Earth. Or rather, he was hiding, because after one screw-up, he's on the radar and both the military and the mad inventor Robotnik are after him. So Sonic and his human buddy Tom have to figure a way out. Based on the famous computer game franchise, the feature-length adventure is inoffensive and relaxed family entertainment, but it tries too hard to stick to the beaten track, and is ultimately set apart from the rest by the hero himself, who is incredibly likeable. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This outsider turned out to be a nice hit, and a success financially as well. Surprisingly, the film is highly entertaining and family friendly, and you will take an instant liking to the lovable Sonic the Hedgehog and James Marsden as well. Jim Carrey, on the other hand, makes his big comeback and delivers exactly why we love him as an actor. The humour is apt, the visuals are decent and the emotions work, so for me a pleasant surprise. I had fun. Story***, Action***, Humor****, Violence>No, Entertainment****,Music***. 7/10. ()

Galéria (53)