A hurrikán meló

  • Egyesült Államok The Hurricane Heist (több)
Előzetes 1


Dörzsölt bűnözők eszelős tervet agyalnak ki az Egyesült Államok egyik pénzverdéjének kirablásához: az egyik legdurvább hurrikán pusztítását használnák elterelésnek arra, hogy lelépjenek 600 millió dollárral. A kincstár egyik elszánt őre és egy zűrös viharvadász eltökéli, hogy megállítják a tolvajokat és kiszabadítják túszaikat, mielőtt a vihar elsöpri az egész várost. (Big Bang Media)


Recenziók (1)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A return to the '90s that won’t offend but will quickly fade from memory (though this doesn’t mean the film was significantly flawed). I might have toned down the glaring digital effects, which sometimes seemed cheap and didn’t do the film’s high budget much justice. On the other hand, I understand that even with a pretty hefty budget, it’s not possible to keep the effects at a top-notch level throughout; it would need to be at least tripled. Rob Cohen has proven capable of making a few decent films, and I don’t see any real issues here. The actors were also fine; the main villain was quite decent, and Maggie Grace as the female protagonist was also acceptable. I enjoyed the two brothers the most, who took on the bad guys like some sort of army. The story itself wasn’t anything special; I expected the bank heist to be in a slightly more elaborate and sophisticated form. It’s definitely not a film to be condemned, but even the over-the-top ending, which could be described in one word as digital chaos, keeps it in average territory. But as a quick watch, it’s entertaining. I give it 61%. ()