

Készülj fel a brit felsőosztály alsó szintjére! Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock) játssza az arisztokrata Patrick Melrose-t, aki nagy utat jár be a traumatikus, bántalmazásokkal teli gyermekkorától az önpusztító felnőttkoráig. „Rengeteget szenved és rendkívüli utazáson megy keresztül – mondja a színész. – Áldozatból túlélővé, majd bajnokká válik, és az út a társadalmi rend vicces élveboncolásán keresztül vezet.” Az ötrészes sorozat Edward St Aubyn önéletrajzi ihletésű regénysorozatán alapul. (HBO Europe)


Felhasználói recenzió angel74 ehhez a sorozathoz (2)

Patrick Melrose (2018) 

angol The whole miniseries is permeated by the relentless idea of the terrifying impact a messed-up childhood can have on a person's life when parents are unable to give their offspring much-needed love. Benedict Cumberbatch hasn't really impressed me in the film world yet, but after his tasteful turn as Patrick Melrose, I have to admit that I finally acquired a taste for him. To tell you the truth, I can't imagine who could play such a psychologically traumatized individual better. I would also like to highlight the excellent camera work, the fantastic soundtrack enhancing the atmosphere, and the amazing makeup for the aging actors, which adds even more to the gloomy mood of the already quite melancholic story. All of this is spiced up with biting sarcasm. I'd like to have at least a double helping of this depressing serial treat. ()

Spongyát rá! (2018) (E02) 

angol The dive into Patrick Melrose's childhood years was deep, heavily atmospheric, and extremely depressing. Is there any other way to cope with one's inner turmoil after such parental chaos than the way Benedict Cumberbatch portrayed it in the first episode? The demonic Hugo Weaving, who fabulously portrayed David Melrose, scared even me, let alone a broken child's soul... ()