
Bruce Banner genetikust az egyik kísérlet során súlyos gammasugárzás éri. A férfi különös változáson megy keresztül. Ha feldühítik, a testében felgyülemlő adrenalin hatására fékezhetetlen, zöld szörnyeteggé változik. A hihetetlen Hulk képében Bruce eleinte dühöngő őrültként viselkedik, idővel azonban megtanulja arra használni az erejét, hogy megvédje a gyengéket. A teremtmény elfogására a hadsereget is mozgósítják. Az akciót Banner egykori munkatársának, egyben barátnőjének az apja, Ross tábornok, és a rivális tudós, Glenn Talbot irányítja. (UIP-Duna Film)


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angol Ang Lee went about this cleverly, constructing his Hulk as a psychological spectacle rather than an "action eye candy comic book romp". You can feel the unconventional qualities and the attempt at resonance, which deserve credit at the very least for its audacity. Some of the flashbacks may come across as unnecessarily drawn out, but by the end I felt that everything fell into place well and I fully appreciated the rather dense psychological part of the story. But I have to be honest and say that I can't imagine a similar take on a comic book movie today – given the flood of over-stylized and extremely successful Marvel movies (which I also enjoy a lot, but in a different way), it seems almost impossible. ()


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magyar A Hulk című film friss és innovatív a részleteiben, de egészében véve ellentmondásos. A sok kiváló (nem csak akciós) jelenet és a dicséretes pszichológiai dimenzió a percek múlásával dramaturgiailag kiegyensúlyozatlan és átláthatatlan keveréké válik. A film második felének el kellett volna rugaszkodni a "családi drámától", és teljes mértékben a famózus akcióra és kalandra koncentrálni. Akkor mozifilm lenne. A sivatagi akciójelenetek famózusak. ()


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angol A family drama and a comic book story – do they even go together? Yes, if a capable director takes it on, which Ang Lee undoubtedly is. Ironically, I enjoyed the much criticized first "action lacking" half the most. Thanks to the imaginative direction, the clever editing and the interesting division of the image into multiple windows, I was not bored for a moment. My enthusiasm waned a bit during the botched scene with the mutated dogs, but the subsequent moments in the Nevada desert satisfied my libido again. The tank demolition scene in particular was awesome. During the lengthy dialogue between father and son at the end, boredom began to take over, but certainly not fucking boredom, as one unnamed critic stupidly wrote. Oh, and one more thing, Hulk’s purple shorts were really nasty :) ()


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angol Instead of proper psychology, we get a lot of verbal filler, and instead of exciting action, we only get digital ridiculousness in the desert. Ang Lee wanted to take the untrodden path, but he took a wrong turn with this film because it is simply impossible to carry a nearly two-and-a-half-hour colossus only with conversation. The formal games (editing, split-screen) get stereotypically boring after a while and don't suit the film at all. It's as if someone was adding their own psychedelic insertions to it in Lee’s editing room at night. The cast is excellent, and Elfman's ethnic-themed soundtrack is very nice, yet this whole farce still takes a downward turn given that the main villain doesn't show up until ten minutes before the end... in a comic book movie! Oops! ()



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angol An adaptation of a comic book that was a little before its time. It was one of the first to favor psychological aspects over action. Both elements are here and both great, although the low-key part is central point and the pillar carrying all of Hulk's weight. Eric Bana made the most of his opportunity, Jennifer Connelly is enchanting as usual and the rest of the cast fits its roles too. The only downside is that it is so strictly divided into a long psychological section at the beginning and pure action at the end. Better balanced blending might have improved things. ()


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angol This is not a comic book action film, this is a deeply penetrating drama about split personality and the consequences of one's own sins... and a little bit of comic book action. What Ang Lee unleashes in the final half hour is a psychological blast and the redeeming sacrifice from Betty helps cleanse the soul of the viewers. Such a shame that most of them weren't ready for such an experience at the time. ()


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angol When confronted with the flood of television and film productions, it's crucial to value every minute. A friend of mine advocates the theory that if a film doesn't catch his interest within five minutes, it's not worth watching. I broke this rule and gave Hulk a full thirty-five minutes, but it offered me little in return. It simply didn't engage me, perhaps except for the charm of young Jennifer Connelly, and that's too little. The start was too slow, and the overly psychological dialogues for a comic book story weren't my cup of tea. I can't judge the entire film, but from what I saw, I wouldn't give Hulk more than a 40% overall impression... ()


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angol At the time, Hulk was quite misunderstood and maybe it still is. The psychological comic adaptation was not positively accepted by the audience although I don’t get why. Ang Lee layers the atmosphere and brilliantly develops the personalities of the characters, Bruce Banner, Banner’s father, Betty, General Ross and only then does he focus on the action. The interesting thing is that even in the action scenes he doesn’t forget to think about the motivations and psychology of the characters. All their actions have a purpose. The action in itself is amazing (The Hulk vs. the dogs or the battle in the desert are genius). The cast is also excellent, especially Nick Nolte and Eric Bana. Thanks to those two, the final dialog was amazingly intriguing. I’m so sorry that the second Hulk is going to be shot with different creators according to a different template. If it was up to me, I would just keep developing the promising concept created by Lee. But who am I to be giving advice to the bosses in L.A., right? ()


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angol What, five stars? For the boredom? Are you able to see properly? You do! I think this Hulk is perfect. Ang Lee probably figured that since he was making a comic book film, he wanted it to look like one... So he turned the canvas into comic book pages. He divides the image into frames and boxes, with the characters missing only bubbles with written texts above their heads. Lee's next feat is to turn a comic book that is all about fighting on paper (90% of Hulk’s stories) into an almost psychological film, a father and son drama, a description of the tragedy of a family. The scenes, dialogues and so on are well thought out, you can think about them, it's not just a dull chewing of the text. And when it comes to the action, it's spectacular and imaginative (the tank throw and dogfight lead the way). What more do you want? Me personally, nothing. One of the best comic book adaptations. Why, you ask? Precisely because it's different. ()