Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken!

Egyesült Államok, 2017, 93 perc


In the 13 years since Super Size Me, the fast-food industry has undergone a makeover. Today, chain restaurants tout food that's "healthy," "organic," and "natural." Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock explores this new reality with an approach even more immersive and subversive than that used for his first film: he sets out to open his own chicken franchise. We follow him every step of the way, from raising poultry and conjuring recipes to designing the brand and scouting a location. Spurlock brings his disarming humour to uncover the truths and lies behind this multibillion-dollar industry. (Toronto International Film Festival)



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Meghalt Morgan Spurlock dokumentumfilm-rendező

Meghalt Morgan Spurlock dokumentumfilm-rendező


A dokumentumfilm világa elveszítette egyik kiemelkedő alakját: május 23-án, csütörtökön ötvenhárom éves korában New Yorkban elhunyt Morgan Spurlock Oscar-díjra jelölt amerikai dokumentumfilm-rendező.… (több)