Húzós éjszaka az El Royale-ban

  • Egyesült Államok Bad Times at the El Royale (több)
Előzetes 4


Hét titkokkal terhelt idegen találkozik a kaliforniai Tahoe-tó mellett az El Royale-ban, egy sötét múltú, lelakott hotelben. Egy végzetes éjszaka folyamán mindenkinek jut egy utolsó esély a megváltására… mielőtt végleg elszabadul a pokol. (Fórum Hungary)

Videók (2)

Előzetes 4

Recenziók (14)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Tarantino-film, Tarantino nélkül. Az előző Ház az erdő mélyén filmben Drew Goddard egyedülálló módon zsonglőrködött a horror műfaj kliséivel, itt pedig ügyetlenül próbálja összefőzni olyan elemeket, mint a gengszterlányok és a bizonytalan helyzetekbe hozott különféle karaktereket. De a probléma bennük van. A két negatív karakter (lányok) meghatározása gyenge, és véletlen összeütközés a fő cselekményszállal (Jeff Bridges keres valamit) primitívnek hat. A film legkevésbé működőképes és egyben legrosszabb szereposztású karaktere a hozzájuk kapcsolódó Chris Hemsworth, akinek viszont a film fináléját kellett volna felpörgetnie. A film nem használja ki megfelelően a "rossz helyen, rossz időben" témában rejlő lehetőségeket. Az időbeli összefonódások nincsenek okosan felépítve, a tempó pedig időnként indokolatlanul lassú, és a párbeszédekből hiányzik a kifinomultság. De Jeff Bridges férfiasan uralja a helyzetet, Dakotához jobban illik a rosszlány, mint kisasszony a szürke árnyalataiból, és a fiatal mellékszereplő Lewis Pullman végül a legértelmesebb közülük. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Drew Goddard, the director of the great The Cabin in the Woods, did not please me at all with this one and after a long time I left the cinema completely bored. (I guess the other four people in the cinema fell asleep and my friends said after an hour that if someone doesn't die and soon, we leave). I had high hopes for this film, the trailers were promising, there decent actors, an attractive premise, and there was also the similarity to both Identity and The Hateful Eight, which I liked, but this one unfortunately failed with me. The film is 142 minutes long and doesn't offer enough enticing material to fully entertain and satisfy the viewer. The hotel with a hidden secret was fine, the sets are nice, the music is great music, and at first I was even entertained by the unknown mystery, but it didn't really go anywhere. Most of the time is given to Jeff Bridges and Cynthia Erivo, who are probably the least interesting characters in the film, with only Dakota Johnson surprisingly pulling it off as an actor, and then Chris Hemsworth, but he shows up half an hour before the end, and that felt like a letdown. The twists and turns are unexpected but not shocking (Lewis Pullman slightly surprised in the ending), the dialogue is futile and the lack of blood and action scenes is a minus for me. There is only one shootout at the end and it's over before I could say shoemaker. Too bad the director didn't pull something in the style of The Cabin in the Woods, it would have fit nicely here. A tedious and not very entertaining film, but it has its own vibe. 60%. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I would give it 5 stars and would possibly be raving about the return to the dark 90s and how this is the best film of 2018 if it weren’t for some particular moments of the screenplay. This way the movie “only” qualifies for a pretty good genre film which reminds me of the best gangster movies of the 1990s put into a rainy, Seven-like feel. Have you noticed how the rain plays an important role in the atmosphere of similar films? It’s a pity I didn’t have the chance to experience a downpour comparable to the one in the movie in real life this year. Films are soon going to be the only thing reminding me of what rain even is. Anyway, from a film-making point of view Bad Times at The El Royale is a real smash. The closed setting of the hotel sometimes made me feel like I was watching an adaptation of some Agatha Christie detective novel. The well-written characters and dialogues then reminded me of Tarantino. Only here they fortunately didn't launch into endless discussions about nothing and most of the two and a half hours was pure action. All acting performances were brilliant but you gotta applaud Jeff Bridges in particular. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The beginning stumped me, when it is not clear who is on which side of the barricade and what brought them to the hotel, as did the unexpected reveal of the multiple red herring storylines of the individual characters, which intentionally bring no surprises. However, the last act does not fit in at all with the previous events and for something long awaited brings a damn shortage of entertainment. Not to mention that, considering all the tough talk from before, it pulls its punches several times, even shamefully. It's a pity, especially because the setting and the cast are spot on. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Several people arrive at a small hotel in the middle of nowhere. They have nothing in common at first glance, but in a few hours most of them will be dead, and the rest will be really upset. Drew Goddard directs a smart film in the style of Tarantino with interesting characters, good actors and fun direction. It does run out of breath a bit towards the end, but overall it manages to entertain quite nicely thanks to the ideas, the characters and a few rough twists. It probably won't be a genre classic like The Cabin in the Woods, though. ()

Galéria (46)

Kapcsolódó hírek

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Folynak az ötödik Mátrix előkészületei


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