A világ közepe

(fesztivál filmcím)
  • Németország Die Mitte der Welt (több)


A nyári tábor után a 17 éves Phil arra tér haza, hogy az anyja és az ikernővére nem beszélnek egymással. Ők hárman együtt élnek, a szomszédok különc családnak tartják őket. A helyzetet látva Phil lelép, hogy a barátnőjével lógjon. Az iskola kezdetén új tanuló érkezik az osztályba, a titokzatos Nicholas. Phil azon veszi észre magát, hogy beleszeret. Nehéz helyzetbe került, egyszerre kell kezelnie a családi problémákat, barátnője féltékenységét, és az új szerelmet. Andreas Steinhöfel regényéből. (HBO Europe)


Videók (1)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol For Phil, there was no more important thing than his family, whose disintegration, symbolized by a devastating forest fire, was breaking his heart. Center of My World offers a fresh and powerful story about first great loves, friendships, and family relationships. I was intrigued by the narrative style, which interspersed the present with scenes from the past, all the while shrouding the story in mystery through the initially inexplicable tension between Glass and Dianne. I also liked how the film played with the imagery, inserting various pop culture references. Even though the story largely revolves around the teenage characters, it all feels adult and natural, which draws you even more into the story. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I watched this movie because of my interest in European cinema. Tired, expecting to relax and rest in the following 2 hours. All of that without reading the summary. If I had known to put on sweats so that I’d be on the same wavelength with at least some of the characters, it would have been more digestible. This way it was worth turning off at some moments. And it’s not the fault of exclusively the plot, but also the boring way in which it was filmed. The only plus I can see is the camera work, which at times managed to conjure up interesting and nice tricks, which made the film exciting at least for a moment. Otherwise, not that great. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It isn't that easy to make a film about homosexuality that isn't a caricature but is also not unnecessary agitation, but like Call Me by Your Name, the German film Center of My World succeeded in doing so a little earlier. These are films that are nice to watch and are natural. ()

Galéria (21)