La noche de las gaviotas

  • Spanyolország La playa de los sacrificios (több)


Soon after a young doctor and his wife take up residency in a seaside village, they receive a visit from a terrifying welcome wagon -- the undead Templar Knights. Rising from their watery graves to collect human sacrifices, the blind knights can't see their victims … but they can hear their screams. (forgalmazó hivatalos szövege)

Videók (1)


Recenziók (3)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Ne keress itt logikát. Mert akkor atmoszférikus, szinte hipnotikus horrorélménnyé válik, lassított felvételekkel zombi-lovagokról és sötét zenével, démoni énekekkel. A cselekmény úgy halad előre, hogy egy pillanatra sem legyen unalmas. Az elvarázsolt tengerparti városka rejtélyének megfejtése folyamatos és rövid mondatokban történik. És az súlya az, ami a film fő mozgatórugója. A démoni "nazgûlok" nagyszerű (mai korhoz képest is!) maszkjaival és lenyűgözően megkomponált komor díszletekkel együtt. Persze, van benne némi naivitás is. De távolról sem nevetséges. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The Spanish horror film Night of the Seagulls is part of a series that in and of itself is very good. This fourth film is also very good. The Templars on horseback are simply frightening, as if they cannot be stopped, as if death were inevitable. Add to that the contrast with beautiful women, and of course the pretty nice special effects. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The first half of this franchise was a massive disappointment and for some time I didn’t feel like watching the rest. Today I finally decided to put on at least the last and better reviewed part. I have the same issues I did with the first part, though this time it was little more fun. The horror props (ruins, a mysterious village, dead knights) deserve praise, unfortunately, they are not used to make a film with a quality that would match their potential. Even though I tried not to notice it (given the age of the film), there was one thing that bothered me: why is it clear in most night scenes that they were shot in daylight? Couldn’t the filmmakers have waited at least until it got overcast to avoid having those awful shadows everywhere? The film has the word “night” in its name for God’s sake! ()

Galéria (22)