
Megan Griffiths combines her always-compelling direction as well as her personal, fearful memories of the actual events to this Los Angeles true-crime thriller. Based on the real, notorious serial killer, Richard Ramirez, The Night Stalker follows Kit, a female attorney, who is desperately trying to obtain a confession from the murderer, who is currently sitting on death row in San Quentin. By the time he was 25, Richard Ramirez was responsible for at least 13 murders from 1984 to 1985, breaking into homes late at night to assault and kill his victims, earning him the appropriate nickname, "The Night Stalker" from the Los Angeles Times. He eventually died from lymphoma as he awaited his execution in 2013. This psychological thriller focuses on both characters, Kit (Bellamy Young) and Ramirez (Lou Diamond Phillips), and their impact on one another as Kit dives into Ramirez's past, and confronts her own, in order to secure a confession and save an innocent man from death row. (Seattle International Film Festival)

