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Visszaemlékezés a New York Post fiatal újságírójának tollából,
aki ritka és ijesztő betegséggel vívott csatát. Susannah Cahalan egy kórteremben ébredt – az ágyához szíjazva, folyamatos felügyelet mellett. Nem tudott megmozdulni, és a beszédre is képtelen. A közel egyhónapos kórházi tartózkodása alatt készült papírjai pszichózisról, agresszióról és válságos instabilitásról tanúskodnak. Pedig néhány hete még teljesen egészséges életet élt első komoly kapcsolatában, felfelé ívelő karrierrel. (ADS Service)


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angol This is one of the highest-rated movies here at Filmbooster, starring Chloë Grace Moretz. And since one of those young faces is one of the pretties, I was quite intrigued by this movie, which is based on true events. And I must say that I’m glad for the opportunity to see this movie because if something similar happened to me or someone around me, I’d immediately know what to look for. I often say to myself that I should be glad for what I have because one never knows what might happen. When I see that something similar happened in a movie as a part of a true story, taking care of one’s health takes on a completely different dimension. Brain on Fire is exactly the type of movie that proves that we should appreciate what we have. Not only regarding ourselves, but also around us. We may never know what might happen in the next minute. Plus, Chloë played her part as if she really had that disease. Hats off. ()

Galéria (43)