
  • Egyesült Államok Dracula
Egyesült Államok / Egyesült Királyság, 1979, 109 perc


Egy hatalmas vihar egy hajót sodor ki Anglia partjainál. Az egyetlen túlélő Drakula gróf, akinek feltűnésével egyre rejtélyesebb dolgok történnek. Először Seward doktor lányának, Lucy-nak a barátnője, Mina hal meg megmagyarázhatatlan körülmények között, majd maga Lucy is a gróf hatása alá kerül. Mina apja, Van Helsing professzor Angliába érkezik és lassan rájön, hogy a gróf egy vámpír... (TV2)


Recenziók (2)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Badham's Dracula, apart from being overly reverential in its execution, suffers from how old it is. It's like a car. A vehicle that is fifty or more years old will always be appreciated as a vintage classic, whereas a twenty-year-old automobile is a worthless wreck. For film fans spoiled by the possibilities of modern special effects, Dracula contains too few of them, and for lovers of classics, it is not old enough to become an object of adoration. Director Badham conceived Dracula more as a romantic love clash in horror settings. His Count is more of a fop and passionate lover who harms his victims almost casually and sometimes reluctantly. This, however, humanizes Badham's villain; he is not such a terrifying monster and is more of a tragic character. The romanticized approach is reflected in the choice of exteriors and (good) musical motifs. Directorially, it is approached as an artistic matter, but in doing so, Badham relinquished the tempting opportunity to utilize elements of "decadent" eroticism - the love scenes are shot through a red filter. The cast was decently and interestingly chosen, though Frank Langella lacks a greater dose of negative charisma. Overall impression: 65%. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol First of all I have to say that Frank Langella is an absolutely great Dracula and I enjoyed every look, every gesture, every step. John Badham's dense atmosphere, backed by John Williams' music, is a major contributor, and there is nothing more apt to say about many of the scenes than that they are unforgettable (Dracula's first climb down the house, for example, is a horror extravaganza). As far as the story is concerned, it honors Stoker's novel, but at the same time it bends it substantially. But I guess I understand why the creators did something (for some) so blasphemous. They wanted to surprise the audience familiar with the subject matter and thus scare them more. And I have no choice but to say that they succeeded. ()