Streaming (1)


Eph megváltoztatja a külsejét, hogy elhagyja a várost, miközben a vonakodó Nora Zack mellett marad. Dutch és Nora egyezséget köt Justine-nal, hogy kiszabadítsák Fettet a börtönből. (FOX)

Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol The fifth episode of the second season brought more action, but also more logical inconsistencies. I somehow missed the meaning of shaving my head so that nobody would recognize the famous doctor from the CDC in me, and then waving the CDC ID card at every document check. Similarly, it seems strange to me why they dress in protective suits when dealing with ordinary infected individuals, but then touch and even kiss a relative who is also infected with their bare hands, really peculiar. ()

Galéria (8)

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